53 | [satin queens]

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The first time I laid eyes on Avery Dragomir was the moment I knew he had to be my husband.

At the time, there was not a single girl who didn't want Blake Everson. Of course. Blake was dubbed as the golden boy back then. A white smile and bright blue eyes. The picture of an American prince. But whatever lukewarm desire I held towards Blake evaporated when he and Mason brought a tall, dark-haired, silver-eyed guy to one of his large parties.

I watched as every girl practically drooled over him and his lean but toned physique which belonged to an athlete. I could see it in all the eyes glued to him. What they were thinking as they analyzed the silver-eyed guy.

An outsider brought in by the blue bloods. Well-mannered and quiet. Attractive as fuck with that face of his. He had a sort of wealth that could not be faked. You were born with it. The stranger also spared no lingering or sleazy looks to all the bare-skinned girls flouncing around him. His attention was solely on Mason, who was clearly catching up with him.

All the girls wanted him.

Including me.

"Who is that hottie?" I murmured to Gloria, who eyed Avery the same way as I did. Though I didn't say it, I knew she wouldn't catch his eye. Not when I was standing next to her.

"Avery Dragomir," Gloria giggled, sipping her champagne slowly. Jesus, I've never seen her blush so much as she eyed him like he was her dinner.

"Shannon has a brother?" I gasped at the juicy piece of gossip, fluffing up my hair with a manicured hand. I pouted in disappointment when every guy but Avery looked my way. That usually always worked. "Younger?"

"Mhm," Gloria pursed her lips in desire, unable to hide her fluster, "Our age but a little older."

A Dragomir. A shiver ran through me. The Dragomir bloodline was as ancient as the Solars and Astos but the name stood out to me because Dragomirs even rivaled the Du Sang name in prestige. No one has met a Du Sang in so long.

A million questions rose but I didn't want to seem overeager. Gloria would hold it over my head. "Why doesn't he go to the academy with us?"

Gloria sighed, dreamily. "Haven't you heard? He's a football talent. He trains everyday at another recruiting academy. Shannon says he's good enough to become a star at a famous football club and play for England one day."

"I don't believe you." I did but I wasn't entirely convinced. That sort of background was strange and peculiar for a guy of his pedigree.

"Just look at him," Gloria shrugged.

I glanced at him, right at a moment where he was leaning over to hand his sister Shannon her phone. His shirt rode up and I caught another eyeful of his muscled stomach. Gloria's words were suddenly very believable. "Oh shit."

"Indeed," Gloria agreed. "You know... Shannon says her father has been wanting Avery to transfer to the academy. Says he's 'too intellectual to be playing with a ball' everyday."

As I looked over to him, I made up my mind then. "Let's go talk to him."

Gloria's eyes rounded in horror. "No!"

"Fine," I rolled my eyes at her cowardice, secretly thrilled at her refusal. "I'll go alone."

She spluttered—in regret or relief I don't know—as I made my way through the crowd to them. Avery lounged beside Blake, listening to Mason's jokes and animated stories intently. Avery must have expected me to fuck off earlier because it took five whole minutes for him to glance over, as if I were .

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