15 | seven minutes in heaven

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"Most are good people who sometimes do bad things. They are bad people who sometimes do good things."


Seven minutes in heaven was always an innocent game for me. But we were talking about the blue bloods and it was very clear that they didn't do innocent.

"Let's play a game," Satin proposed as soon as we all met in a random room hours later. They had added me to their little group chat as if to say, you're a blue blood now, but I was very close to muting it. "Seven minutes in heaven."

Mason glanced over at me uneasily. "Are we sure we want to play a game so..."

"Sexual?" Gloria finished, an easy smile taking place as she watched me with a feline grace. "Oh, but dear Vesper cannot be that innocent."

Avery took that as his cue to play the role of a protective boyfriend and drew me closer with an arm wrapped around my waist. I resisted the urge to flinch as he leaned by my ear and murmured quietly, "If you're uncomfortable, I can make an excuse for you."

I only whispered back by his ear, "It's fine. This is just another test."

Kalina took a swig of alcohol, eyes bright. "Oh how I love this game."

I analyzed the room quickly once again. Cole and Erik were sitting on a couch, watching Avery and I. Gloria, Helen, and Satin sat on the other sofa. Blake and Mason were standing on the other side of the wall, leaning against it. Shannon and Kalina were already sitting on the vast Persian carpet, perfect for everyone to sit in a circle.

Three exits. Four if there was a secret one behind the bookshelf. Five if there was another in the walk-in closet beside us.

Blake grinned. "Let's go over the rules quickly. Two people are chosen to go into that closet for seven minutes... with only undergarments."

I would have reacted to that heavily but I had prepared myself for any word that could come out of his mouth. My expression remained neutral.

Satin made her voice smoother, eyeing Avery as she said, "They can do anything they want in those seven minutes. What happens in heaven stays in heaven. Besides, the closet is relatively sound proof."

I was supposed to glare at her but I couldn't manage since I was shaking from keeping in my laughter. I asked another question through coughing. "What do we do during the seven minutes?"

"Listen," Cole responded, dark eyes roaming over me, "And ask questions."

Shannon rolled her eyes, taking the empty alcohol bottle from Kalina. "Someone spins a bottle. Whoever it lands on has to say the truth to whatever they ask."

I felt a chill run up my spine. These games sounded so relatively safe but something in the somberness of the room told me otherwise.

What secrets become spilled when they play these games?

"You can leave," Kalina said quietly to no one but I knew it was directed towards me. "Anyone can."

But no one does. So I don't either.

"Alright," Mason nodded, as we all gathered in a circle. Shannon to my left, Avery to my right. "Let's see who the first two in heaven will be."

He twisted the glass bottle and I watched as it spun at an impossible speed. However, as it stopped gradually, the bottle pointed towards Satin.

She took her time to start stripping with a broad smile. There was no falter in her confidence as she took off her heels, then her shirt, and finally her pants. She stared at Avery who clenched his jaw and looked at me instead.

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