37. Revelation

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Alessa and Ethan were studying in their room when Alessa's phone rang.
Alessa looked at the phone but didn't attend the call instead put it on silent. Ethan looked at her weirdly.

Ethan- Who's calling?

Alessa- Don't know. It's an unknown number.

Ethan- So?

Alessa- I don't attend call from an unknown number

(I really don't know how many of you can relate, but I never attend a call from an unknown number until they call me twice or thrice.Ok back to story)

Ethan- Give it to me.
Alessa gave phone to Ethan and ethan attended it.

As Ethan put the phone on his ear, he heard screaming from other side.

Unknown- Alessa baby help me, Mamma is sorry baby but help me. They will kill me. AAAAA. Noooo. Alessa.

And the call got cut before Ethan could speak anything. Ethan called back at the number but the line was dead.

Ethan looked towards alessa and saw her looking at him curiously.

Alessa- Who was it?

Ethan- Spam.
Just then alessa's phone vibrated and ethan saw there was a message.
Ethan opened the message box

If you want your mother safe then come to this address Xxxxxxxx.
If you dare to tell anyone specially your family then your mother will be dead.

Ethan looked at the address and saved it in his phone and deleted the message also blocked the number.
Ethan decided to tell his family about the situation.

He messaged in the family group(mafia related)  for a family meeting. They decided to meet in 30 minutes in Alessandro office.


All the members of Romano family were present in the meeting.

Ezio- What was so urgent Ethan?

Noah- Yeah you seem panicked.

Ethan then told them everything about call and the address he got.

Everyone was shocked because they didn't expect Russians to reach that close to Alessa

Ezio- It confirms that Smiths are with Russians because apart from our family and vivaan, only smiths had her number.

Leo- Next time I am gonna finish their chapter.

Clemente- first of all we need to change Alessa's number without letting her get a hint.

Noah- I'll bring her a new number.

Ethan- And I'll change it.

Alessandro- I'll send some of our men on the address.

Pierro- One of you always have to stay with her.

Ezio- I'll go to her now.

They all nodded and left for their particular task.

Ezio went to Alessa's room and knocked on the door. She asked him to come in.

He saw her read something but she hide it before he could find it.

Ezio- What are you hiding princess?

Alessa- It's nothing.

Ezio- Ok then let me find by myself.

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