Chapter 9: Strange Power

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Boys, hurry up! An Alpha boy needs our assistance right before the father Alpha could sense his power" Dimitri commanded his men sternly through a mindlink while they are running as fast as they could. The three just nodded their heads, none dared to make an effort to ask him why because even they could feel what he had been sensing.

"Damn, Haran was right! The boy is possessing a very powerful aura that even I who is still outside the wall could feel it. But, just how strong could he get? Those warriors might be from the lowest rank but the strength of thousands of them is no joke. Not unless he turned already into a full-blooded alpha? But then, again, that one is definitely out of the question for how can he be when the boy is only 19 years old? How could that even be possible? Since our first ancestors, Alpha power could only be gained by the successor the moment that he or she turned 21 years old. So, that idea doesn't seem to fit in at all and even if he did train inside the dungeon most of the time during his imprisonment, there's no way he could attain such power in that very short period that only a full-blooded Alpha could attain. Or, could there be that something unknown happened during the time he was jailed in the dungeon just like how everything had changed ever since that day? I wouldn't be surprised at all if there was but what could it be? What had happened that day? What went wrong? Maybe I should seek the ex-Beta's assistance for this or else everything might turn into a very big mess once the Alpha senses what is happening now" the worrying Dimitri told to himself. He couldn't fathom anymore what is happening in their pack and yet there is nothing that he nor the pack could do about it. He felt like they are being controlled yet he doesn't want to fully dwell in that kind of scheme. Darkness should have long gone a year ago. The fact that Zeke did not show up anymore is proof that he's vanished from their land.

And with those ideas inside his mind, he focused all his thought on one person and tried to mindlik the Beta, who in his astonishment, seemed to be just waiting for someone to connect with him.

"What the heck is happening Dimitri? Is that Alpha Benedict I am sensing even at this very far distance? But how come it kind of seems different from our Alpha? He may be as powerful as he is but still, it's different. It feels alarming. What the heck is going on?" the incessant questions from the former Beta of Red Moon Pack. Dimitri sighed before he answered him.

"It's not the Alpha, Beta, but his son who just got freed by the Alpha himself just hours ago."

"Are you talking about Jasper? He's out of prison already?" Michael asked, surprise was evident in his voice.

"Yes, he is."

"So, should I assume then that the kid is just celebrating his freedom with that enormous aura emanating from him? Celebrating with his father, is that it?" Dimitri could tell that the ex-Beta is already frowning based on the sarcastic tone of his voice.

"No, Beta. It's quite the opposite. When Alpha Benedict granted him his freedom, he also said that from this day forward, the kid is no longer to act as his son or else he'll be punished with instant death. And to add salt to the boy's wounded heart, he made it clear to him as well that he's not to step in anymore inside the wall, specifically to the Alpha's house, and that he now has to live in his newly designated home which is outside the wall just like the rest of the pack. And then, he just left him like that after giving us a command using his stern voice to watch for the boy's move or else we'll be punished if things didn't turn out well. The boy was too hurt that even the four of us couldn't bear to look at him then when he wept in tears in front of us, so we put our guard down low and took off our eyes from him. That's when he managed to escape our watch. Everything happened too fast that we weren't able to react on time. He's too eager to visit his parents inside the wall, saying he just misses them so badly and just wanted to hug and talk to them even for a little while. But I doubt if the Alpha would appreciate that, Beta." Dimitri explained in a longer but prompt manner.

"What the... The Alpha really did that to his sole and rightful successor?! What the heck is running inside the head of that idiot Alpha of ours? Is he getting insane or something? While other Alphas are doing their very best to have their legal successor safe and sound, our very own just jailed his own without any preamble and even denounced him of his right?  If that's not insanity then I don't know what to call his mental condition anymore!" exclaimed the former Beta. It might be tolerable when it came to him and the others to be cast out by the Alpha, but to his own son? It didn't seem normal at all. He is frowning now with the bits of information he's gaining and is trying to figure out what is going on.

"I knew it! I should have known that something was different ever since that day! Too bad I let my emotions and pride got the best of me and just left the wall just as the Alpha had commanded us that day. Damn, why did I have to be that dense and sensitive!" the former Beta spoke again, but more to himself than to Dimitri, as if blaming himself.

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