💜Chapter 1💜

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Ryder was drawing pictures when her favourite people from the rez turned up to give Bella her truck for school. Ryder raced outside with her dad Charlie and greeted her uncle Billy and her favourite person on the reservation Jake. Charlie called for Bella to join them. Jake was busy playing with Ryder to notice Bella at first then when he did it was just a very awkward situation as they were two very different people who weren't connecting with one another.

Ryder was with Billy," how are you feeling about Bella being home?" He questioned her." Im not happy uncle Billy, but if it makes my dad happy then I'll put up with her for his sake. I don't want much to do with her as she never bothered to come here to see us before now and she was just rude when she got here." Ryder confessed.

Ryder always speaks her mind and there's no stopping her. Charlie can't correct her for feeling this way bout Bella when he agrees with her as bella never didn't come to visit or even knowledge her own baby sister. She never kept in contact even though he kept in contact with them. Ryder is going to forks high for a trial period as she has a high IQ and is getting bored with middle school work. So she and Bella are starting their new school tomorrow.

Charlie, Ryder and Bella all said their goodbyes to Jake and Billy. Bella left to go to her room leaving the two downstairs to talk." Ryder, you know you and Bella are starting your new school tomorrow are you going to be okay? Charlie asked her. Ryder nodded" I'm not baby sitting her though" she said with a laugh making Charlie chuckle. "You won't be baby sitting her you cheeky mare. You are my lil chief in the school remember so just keep an eye on her for me." Charlie told her. Ryder just nodded in agreement.

The two Swans went to school, Ryder was wearing her dad's old chief hat, black leggings, a black t-shirt with a wolf howling at the moon and a purple flannel with black trainers. Bella was dressed to not impress anyone. They walked past a group by their fancy cars. Ryder noticed them and did a cowboy curtesy with her hat to them which made a certain Hale smile. She and Bella went to the office to get their schedule luckily they had the same so they didn't haven't to go through the day alone.

Ryder went to her history class and she met Jasper Hale. She recognised him from the car park, She went to sit next to him but she asked him first as she could tell he wasn't comfortable with people" May I sit here sir? I don't want to make you uncomfortable " ryder asked politely. Jasper turned to her and noticed she didn't have a scent and he couldn't smell her blood." Of course you can milady, I love your Sheriff's hat." Jasper replied. She nodded her head in thanks and the two spent the lesson in comfortable silence. She decided that she likes jasper as he was her type of person.

She had art next as she met Alice but she didn't like her very much she stared too much and was in her face. She got very annoyed by the end of the lesson because Alice wouldn't stop talking about dressing her up like a girl when she made it clear that she was happy with her style and wasn't a barbie doll for someone to dress up. Alice was not happy that Ryder wasn't gonna let her do a makeover.

She met Emmett and Rosalie in her English class. She got along with Emmett as she and he bonded over hunting. She didn't like Rosalie attitude problem and told her to knock it off. Ryder hated people who had an attitude problem for no good reason. The English class went very quciky for Ryder. She met her sister by their lockers and went to lunch where she met Eric, Angela, Jessica and Mike. She likes Angela, but she didn't warm up to everyone else. She listened to Jessica introduced the Cullens to Bella. She turned and faced them, Ryder only liked Jasper and Emmett out of the five that were on the table found the rest rude and got on her nerves very quickly.

The rest of day went pretty quickly for them both. Bella was quickly obsessing over Edward Cullen. They sat with him in Biology, he was fine with Ryder but the second Bella came in the room he acted like she stunk. Ryder got up and moved to sit near Angela and glared at Edward the whole lesson. Ryder and Bella left for the diner to meet their dad. Ryder always enjoys coming to the diner especially when Cora is on shift as she knows what she wants straight away before she comes over.

Ryder just happily sat and ate her dinner listen to her dad and sister making awkward conversations. Ryder looked at her dad who was stuck trying to bond with Bella and Bella was just shutting him out. Ryder was mentally yelling at Bella, she couldn't believe how Bella could just act like Charlie was dirt on her shoes. The Swans left to head home, ryder was in her room listening to music when Bella entered her room." What do you know about the Cullens? I demand you tell me now!" Ryder looked at her and scoffed" I don't know them, I just met them stop bothering me and leave me alone Isabella." Bella scoff and stormed off.

Charlie couldn't believe how Bella acted towards her own baby sister. He stormed in her room" Bella! You need to stop pestering Ryder about the Cullens she doesn't know them she only met them today and you're acting like she know them for years. Stop it as this behaviour is ridiculous." Bella was shocked that Charlie snapped at her.

Ryder muttered to herself"She is crazy, I should phone Eichen House and tell them they are missing a patient." Ryder was drawing wolves and the moon. She couldn't help but think about them. She had a connection with nature and she helped nurse a bear cub back to health and she sees him every day when she goes into the woods.

Ryder wasn't a typical ten year old, she was smarter than most people and she saw right through Bella the second she met her. Charlie saw a awkward seventeen year old who wasn't excited to be here. Ryder saw a manipulative, crazy and obsessive Bella. Little did Ryder know, she was right as Bella was obsessing over a certain Cullen.

Ryder SwanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora