💎Chapter 21💎

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Ryder had been kidnapped for ten weeks, Bella had been turned by Alric and she was vicious as ever. Ryder was chained up and had cuts everywhere leaking out blood and she got bitten by Bella and Alric but she hadn't turned. She was resistant to the vampire bites. Bella was pissed off that Ryder was immune to the vampire venom so She and Alric used Ryder as a personal punching bag. Ryder had turned twelve years old and wished she was with Jared and the pack.

Jared was getting worse by the minute, he was getting angrier and began to lashing out at people mainly Paul. Sam had to use the Alpha voice on Jared multiple times  and the Cullens were trying to track down Ryder and Bella but couldn't come up with anything. Bree was worried for Ryder as she saved her and she couldn't save Ryder." What if we consider the volturi asking then for Demtri's help?" Edward asks out loud to the Cullens." Aro might allow it as he loved Ryder." Alice said.

"Call the pack as we need to speak with them." Carlisle says. Edward called Sam who agreed to come over with the pack in human forms."What do you want? We're busy searching for Ryder." Sam says bitterly." We know, but we think the volturi will be able to help as they have a guard who is an amazing tracker.We just need your approval for them to come." Carlisle politely spoke to the pack.

"We can approve of them as long as they don't feed off any humans whilst they are here." Sam warns the Cullens, they all nod in understanding. Carlisle vampire speeded to his office.(Bold Carlisle and italics Aro)

Hello this is Aro Volturi, how may I help?

Hello Aro, this is Carlisle Cullen, I need your tracker guard assistance. An imprint of the Quileute tribe known as Ryder Swan has been taken by a unknown vampire and Bella Swan she been missing for weeks and we aren't getting anywhere. We need Demetri's assistance could you allow him to help us?

Oh my, this is unfortunate news, of course you can have Demetri's assistance and you have the rest of our help as we come to love Ryder Swan. We'll be there tomorrow morning. We will help track this unknown vampire and the troublesome Bella Swan.

That would be great thank you Aro, please could you bring blood bags for yourself and the guard as we have a treaty with the wolves and we aren't allowed to hunt humans. Is this agreeable?

That is agreeable as we don't want to test the wolves. See you tomorrow Carlisle.

Goodbye Aro.

"He and the others will be here tomorrow morning. They agreed to come and help us." Carlisle tells the pack who nod in response. Jared appears looking pale and ill," Will they definitely help get her back? As I can't cope without my sister anymore."He asks hoarsely.

Jasper and Bree vampire speed to Jared and give him a hug." We'll get her back Jared" Bree says to him. Jared hugs her back as she hugs him, he doesn't mind Bree or Jasper and Emmett. Ryder was the emissary for the pack and the Cullens. She was the peace keeper between both worlds. The pack left the Cullens  and Charlie appeared on the reservation and he was wrecked with exhaustion.

Ryder was trapped in the room, Bella came into the room and vampire speed towards her"Aw little Ryder is trapped and have no one to help her even the pack and the Cullens don't want her anymore." She says with a taunting tone." Now now Bella we mustn't be rude to our guest." Alric says with a sinister smile. Alric came over to Ryder and began to hurt her snapping her bones and bitting her and taking her blood not caring about the pain he's inflicting on her. Bella joined in on creating pain on Ryder.

The volturi guards arrived with the three Kings," Welcome to Fork Kings and the rest of the Volturi guards. We are so pleased you could make it." Carlisle greeted the Volturi whilst bowing. The rest of the Cullens and the pack bowed to them in respect." I assuse the young man who looks unwell is Jared Cameron, Ryder Swans Imprint/Mate?" Marcus spoke up." That's right, I'm Jared Cameron and I'm grateful for your help Marcus." Jared says with a small smile.

"May I see?" Aro ask putting his hand out,Jared eyebrows furrowed in confusion."Aro see through touch so he wants to see you and Ryder." Edward explains and Jared puts his hand in Aro hands and see everything." We will help get your mate home Jared." Aro says with a smile, Seth comes bouncing in the room and locks eyes on Jane Volturi and Leah locks eyes with Alec Volturi and both siblings imprinted on the vampires and the two twins found their mates in the Clearwaters.

The volturi and Cullens begins to look for clues along side the pack. Sam was willing to work with the vampires to get this beta's imprint home and their emissary home. Ryder was getting weaker by the minute but kept holding on for the pack or for anyone to rescue her. She began to send out loud thoughts hoping Edward would get them."Help! I can't hold on anymore!" Ryder thinks.

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