🐉Chapter 22🐉

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The volturi have been in fork since yesterday and Demetri has only just arrived. Jane and Alec got to know the Clearwaters siblings and chosen to stay after they find Ryder and go on the animal diet for them. Jared started to get better for Ryder's sake and shifted into his wolf for the first time in weeks. Edward was distracted as he heard Ryder's thoughts.(italics are Ryder's thoughts)
"Please help me! I can't hold on anymore!"
"It hurts too much!"
"I want to come home!"
"Jared?! Anyone! Come find me please!"
" I can't be turned into a vampire I'm immune to the bite! They using me!"

Edward winces at the last thought," Ryder thinking out loud and she talking to me." He informs everyone who was in the sitting room" What's she saying is she okay?!" Jared quickly asked," She saying she can't hold on anymore, That she wants to come home, she asking for you or anyone to rescue her,they've tired turning her and her body rejected the bite she immune and she yelling at me because she knows I can hear her thoughts." Edward translates Ryder's main six thoughts.

Aro reaches into Edwards hands and see Ryder chained up somewhere remote and abandoned." She's somewhere remote and abandoned. She doesn't look good, we must act fast." Aro told the pack, The Cullens and the rest of the Volturi. Jared gave Demetri an item of Ryder's and Jared shifted into wolf form and waited for Demetri to pick up her scent." I must go alone first as I need to find out where she is exactly and help find the best way of getting her out with alerting the two vampires in the room. They'll smell you and attack so wait here and I'll find her, I promise you Jared." Demetri spoke soft and firmly.

Jared wolf huffs and whined in defeat. Jasper and Bree walked over to Jared and provided some comfort for him." I owe her my life Jared and I promise you we will get her back on my life." Bree whispers." Jared, Ryder was the only human who respected me and understood me for that I can't never repay her ball for but I'm prepared to sacrifice my life for her." Jasper tells him.

Marcus saw the bonds between Ryder and the Cullens and the pack. He saw she was the Embassy and she is an important member of the Pack and the Cullens. Caius despite not being a fan of the wolves or the Cullens was willing to help in anyway as he felt protective of Ryder Swan.Jane was willing to save the brave twelve year old who wasn't afraid of her when they first met and she knew how important she was.

Ryder was still clinging to life, chained up, beaten,bruised,broken bones. She now had a headband with pikes sticking inwards into her skull piercing and breaking down her skin inch by inch." What did ever do to you to make you hate me so much you damn sociopath?!" Ryder snaps barely hanging on." You were born!" Bella snaps before zooming away. Ryder body sinks into the darkness but not before Demetri finds her." We're coming Ryder just hold on." He whispers before zooming off, Demetri makes a mental note of the place and location. He could have taken her but the scent of blood was overwhelming and she was chained up like an animal and would need medical assistance straight away as she wouldn't make it to the hospital.

Demetri vampire speeds and has all eyes on him." I found her, she not in great condition. I couldn't bring her as she would have died if I picked her up and brought her here." He told them sadly." He's not lying about her." Edward resures everyone. Demetri tells them if the train station and its location and begins to plan a attack and rescue mission." I should inform you the stray vampire is Alric and he is the most vicious one out. He was a sociopath before he got turned." Demetri tells the group who look like they've been smacked. Aro snarls in anger" We must destroy them as they are getting out of control now!" He snaps and Sam agrees with Aro.

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