🐉Chapter 3🐉

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Ryder has had enough of Bella's obsessive behaviour, she has non stop been staring at the Cullens and pestering Ryder about Edward. It's gotten to the point Ryder just walks to school to avoid Bella in the morning and sits elsewhere. Jasper and Emmett keep her company most days but today the two Swans noticed Edward was back and Ryder hopes this would shut Bella up. But knowing Bella she very much doubt it was gonna be the end of her behaviour.

Ryder spent her day in the library away from Bella as she made her dad separate them in class because she had enough of Bella pestering her every five seconds. She agreed to go biology only with Bella, she had to deal with the awkwardness between Edward and Bella. She thought the conversation was like a train wreck to be honest as both were very awkward with each other. Honestly she had to bite her tongue from laughing,she was glad that she wasn't interested in a boy yet as they seem more trouble than they are worth.

After gruelling long biology lessons, the two Swans went to Bella's truck. Ryder was near the back end of the truck sorting out her back pack, when she heard screeching sounds coming full force at her and Bella. Ryder braced for impact just like Bella did, unfortunately Ryder leg got crushed between the van and Bella's truck and  Bella got away with no injuries as she saw Edward Cullen pushing the van away with his hands. Ryder screamed out in pain,Angela rushed to her side to keep her calm" Ryder don't worry I've called an ambulance and your dad they are on their way. Hold my hand sweetie, I got you!" She said calmly. Bella was too busy starting at the Cullens to notice her own sister had been hurt by the crash.

Both Swans were rushed to hospital, Ryder got taken to surgery as her leg was broken and an artery got nicked. Charlie got there and wasn't not impressed with Tyler. He took his licence and torn it up despite Bella protests. He didn't care if he didn't mean to, his baby girl got injured and she got a broken leg and needed surgery. Bella got the lucky end of the stick, she told them that Edward saved her." How's Ryder doing Dr Cullen?" Charlie asks. " I hadn't been to see her yet but she being brought out of surgery. She'll be in here shortly."

Ryder was wheeled into the room, she had a purple cast on her leg. She was awake but sad that she wouldn't be able to do her own thing for a while." Hello Ryder, I'm Dr Cullen and I'm your doctor today. How are we feeling?" He asked kindly. Ryder raised her eyebrows looked at her dad giving a is he fucking serious look?" Apart from a broken leg I'm fantastic Dr Cullen!" She replied sarcasticly. Charlie couldn't help but laugh at ryder sarcasm. Dr Cullen smiled at her humor and took no offence to it. "Well, I'll get the discharge papers sorted for your daughters and you can head home, Ryder will need to keep the cast on for eight weeks and take it easy." Dr Cullen said before leaving.

Charlie helped ryder off the bed and into the wheelchair. A nurse gave him crutches to take him." Bella you best call your mother and tell her what happened. She knows your in hospital so you best call her." Charlie told her before leaving her to it. Ryder and Charlie went to the desk, to discharge the girls. The Cullens were discussing the issue of Edward saving Bella. Ryder saw Rosalie, Edward and Carlisle arguing. Ryder waved to them and didn't ask what they were arguing about as she had no desire to get involved with their lives which the Cullens were ever so grateful for. They noticed that Bella was watching them. Rosalie and Carlisle left Edward and Bella to talk. Ryder just shook her head at Bella's consistency and wished she just respected their privacy.

Ryder went on the school trip with Bella, she had to stick with Bella the entire time and that wasn't fun. Luckily for Ryder, Emmett and Jasper both volunteered to be helpers for Ryder as Jasper could feel the irritation coming off Ryder. Emmett knew what a firecracker she was when she was pissed off and Emmett would just encourage it. She was grateful for their assistance and they made her day a lot better but she hated the field trip. She could see Bella and Edward having a conversation about his hidden secret and Bella would let up on knowing as apparently he was nowhere near her at the time of the crash and he pushed a van with his hands. She knows there's something different about them all but she knew they'll tell them in their own time.

Ryder had enough and told Jasper to help take her over to Bella and Edward." BELLA! Leave them alone if he doesn't want to tell you his secret then leave him alone stop bugging him and hsi family geez take no as hint!" Ryder scolded her. Edward eyes widened at Ryder's actions and words. He could hear her thoughts " so what if they weren't human or different, doesn't mean Bella needs to bug them. I actually like Japser and Emmett they are nice people. I'll protect them if I have to from her." Ryder walked away with Jasper help. Emmett commented on Ryder's badass behaviour.

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