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The war began 25 years ago.

The humans believe the werewolves initiated the first attack.


Zaelah's P.O.V

"It's time," Dante announced, with fear lacing his small voice as he allowed his feet to carry him towards me so that his hands could wrap around the portion of my body they were able to reach which permitted him to pull me into a comforting hug to suppress his building fear and my own.

"I'll be fine, ok?" I assured him gently while drawing back from his soothing hold to meet his eyes as I offered him a reassuring smile.

"Ok." He mumbled softly and I could tell he didn't believe in the words I allowed to slip from my lips, but I didn't have the time needed to try and convince him further because the door was pushed open to reveal our mother.

"Dante, go back to the room with Ariella." She ordered him and my baby brother listened immediately, though he gave me one last look before leaving the room.

"Have the wolves stopped?" My mother asked me as if she couldn't hear the screams outside, but nevertheless, I made my way towards the window to welcome the sight of the continuous battle outside that only seemed to step on the lingering hope that resided in my heart.

"No," I answered and my response was short and soft which let them know I was deep in my thoughts.

I should have known this plan would fail. It was rather naive of me to assume he'd come to stop a war he had already won, but who could blame me? When my mind had been blinded by hope that was sent from my worrisome heart that hid from the light we call truth.

"The sun is almost gone, we have to face the fact that he may not be coming." My father told me and I swallowed my rising fear as I tore my eyes away from the Aropian warriors who lay against the grass that was being watered by the blood that left their lifeless bodies.

"We shouldn't lose hope just yet." My mother declared which had my orbs travelling to hers that held the strength my blinding hope needed to stand unshaken by my deafening fear.

"We're Aropians, we will never give up hope," I replied and when this greeted my mother's ears she blessed me with a beaming smile that was soon interrupted by the sound of knocking against the wooden door my brother had closed earlier.

My father stood from the couch he was resting on and he seemed to hesitate when he reached the door but soon he used the strength he had to open it which revealed Giana on the other side.

"General Giana, is he here?" My father questioned her and she instantly shook her head.

"We haven't seen him yet, I just came here to tell you our warriors won't be able to stand their ground for much longer," Giana announced and this only had my heart walking off a cliff to sink its own fears.

"The silver, why isn't it keeping them down?" My mother questioned, allowing us to hear how quickly the strength she had earlier could be replaced by her own worried mind while my father held her hand to comfort her, but his actions didn't seem to do much.

"The silver isn't very effective on a full moon. At least that's what the Alkebulans told me." Giana informed us, causing the uneasiness to rise in the air, stifling our minds with worry.

"We won't survive the night, silver was the only thing we had to keep them down," I stated, trying to push down my emotions since I had to appear as a Queen in front of Giana, not a scared child.

"We'll try our best to buy time and if you'd like, I can escort you and your family to the safehouse," Giana assured me and I diverted my gaze toward my parents even though I already knew they wanted to stay, but seeing the look of disapproval of her suggestion in their eyes further confirmed my thoughts.

"No, we'll stay here. I want you to send the guards outside my office into the battle." I ordered her, but Giana shook her head.

"My queen, if King Malik comes no one will—" She tried to start her statement of protest, but I quickly interjected.

"Giana, we need to use all the men and women at our disposal and it wasn't a question," I told her and I made sure my voice was filled with authority, matching the power of the golden crown that sat on my head, to let her know there would be no room for objections.

"I'll get it done at once, my queen." She replied in defeat as she bowed her head before exiting the room without another word.

"Are you sure about that Zaelah?" My father asked me and I nodded, diverting my eyes toward his.

"The guards will be more useful in the battle, I won't keep them here just so my mind can be at ease if King Malik comes. One thing is for certain, they won't be able to stop him from removing my head."

"You've blossomed into an amazing queen." My mother complimented me with a smile that held nothing but pride and I offered her a smile of my own to calm the nerves she had failed to hide.

"Dad, can you tell me everything the Alkebulans told you about the werewolves?" I requested and he gave me a nod, watching as I took a seat around my desk.

"As Nina said before the wolves are all connected, so apparently they are able to communicate telepathically with each other." He informed me, though I wasn't very surprised because it explained their undeniable coordination.

"Each wolf is given a soulmate, their other half, someone they can not live without."

Hearing this immediately brought a query to my mind, what would happen if a wolf's soulmate died?

"The full moon makes them stronger which is why silver won't work on them tonight, but the mated wolves are unable to fight due to their mates being in heat, at this time the women will crave their mate's touch and it's almost impossible for their mate to resist as not only will they be extremely aroused but they'll be in pain. A mate will do whatever they can to ease that pain." He expressed while taking a seat as my mind was being filled with more inquisitive thoughts.

"They also believe in a Moon Goddess who's called Mahrukh or Luna. It is said that King Malik isn't like the other wolves...he's different somehow which is why they worship him and call him king."

"Unfortunately, that's all the information the Alkebulans have on these monsters." My father told me as I quietly tried to process the information I had just received since it had my curiosity about the werewolves growing as they were more interesting than I could have ever imagined which made me want to learn more about the beasts.

"Did they tell you what happens when a wolf's soulmate dies?" I inquired, finally raising the question that had been on my mind.

"They are driven to insanity, only strong werewolves can overcome it but the pain of their mate's death will forever stay with them."

That's when it hit me.

"We kill their mates, most of the wolves won't be able to fight...but we would have to know who's mated to who," I mumbled, pushing aside my idea as soon as I obtained it.

"We'll have to say our goodbyes soon." My mother enunciated, allowing us to hear how much sadness was stored inside her heart.

I permitted a stressed sigh to travel against my tongue and leave my mouth as my orbs journeyed to the window to see the golden sun was long gone which meant he wouldn't be coming.

My body was now being greeted by the cool night breeze and the same stifling scent of blood that was found in the grass and trees as the sound of screams and howls overpowered the silence of the night that wanted to rise. I wished none of this bloodshed occurred, but the werewolves left us no choice when they chose to attack the 8 kingdoms.

A knock sounded against the office door, causing my heart to stammer as I allowed it to draw my attention from the world below, but before I could move my feet to answer it my father stood, tugging the door open.

We all stared at the soldier on the other side who was breathing heavily as if she had just dashed up the flights of stairs without taking a break.

"What do you need?" I inquired, and she stood straight, bowing while clearing her throat as her eyes met mine to show me the mixture of emotions that were travelling through her which included dread and concern.

"He's here."


Alpha Zaelah |  Book One: Realities DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now