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Loeinas only attack when they smell human blood.


Zaelah's P.O.V

I heard my mother ask from the other end of the door and I wanted to answer her, but I couldn't.

Not when I felt this weak.

Not when my throat felt so dry.

Not when I knew what I needed wouldn't be outside that door if I decided to leave.

I took in a deep breath trying my best to calm my shaking hands as I allowed the air I took in to be released while I closed my eyes centring my mind on Malik which seemed to aid in calming me, but I had to disregard the feeling of arousal that appeared whenever I saw his image or heard a faint memory of his voice.

After I had completely calmed down I managed to step out of the bathtub which was now filled with hot water that matched the heat of my skin, I reached for the closest towel I could find to dry and cover my body before I left the bathroom and the sight of me seemed to alleviate the prominent worry set deep in my mother's eyes as she smiled softly.

I noticed my whole family was now in my room probably at her request.

"How are you feeling?" My sister asked and I lifted my lips into a smile that I could only force because it was expressing happiness that wasn't there.

"I could be better," I replied, my voice coming out weak since it was getting harder and harder to ignore the pain and heat.

Arielle brought me into a hug which she instantly regretted as she stepped back telling me she felt the effects of the heat.

"It feels like you are literal fire." She commented and I released a sigh while I took a seat on my bed just as the door opened, revealing Nina.

"I thought you'd still be in the bath." She voiced, walking toward me with little bottles in her hands.

"The water is no longer cold, it was boiling with me inside," I explained, pulling a displeased frown from her, "What are those?"

"Ointments. This is Viehon, it will make your body feel cold which will obviously help with the heat," Nina informed me.

"It won't. I drank the Buaven and it didn't aid me at all, it only lasted a few minutes if not one." I expressed and Nina looked very confused and frustrated receiving this information.

"I have no idea how I can help you, my queen. Everything I've done is being rendered useless."

I gave her a little smile in hopes to lift her mood while I did my best to ignore my suffering like I had been doing for the past few minutes.

"It's fine, Nina, there is only one thing that can stop this," I told her and she nodded knowingly.

"I know King Malik is the key, but where is he?" She inquired and I raised a brow at her response which reminded me of the questions I had earlier in the tub.

"How do you know about Malik?" I asked and realisation settled in my family's eyes because we all knew she shouldn't have held that knowledge.

"I come from the first line of Lauhe Alkebulans, I have the ability to see the future clearly," Nina confessed.

"Can't all Alkebulans do that?" My mother questioned her and in return, she received a nod.

"Yes and no. Alkebulans who differ from me can only see quick flashes, I can see everything that happens today, tomorrow, the day after, even the past without a spell." She clarified.

"So you can see what happens a year from now?" My father was the one who asked this which told us her confession caught his interest.

"I can, but it would require a great deal of power I'm not ready for." She stated and before anyone could say another word I spoke.

"So, will he come?"

"There are a thousand different futures. I cannot pinpoint which one will happen right now because I've been using my strength on the injured soldiers, I apologise."

"It's fine," I assured her, turning my gaze at the moon because I suddenly felt drawn to it as the moonlight travelled from the wooden floor before heading toward me, kissing my brown skin and I was instantly met by overwhelming arousal, I felt like I needed someone's touch to survive—to get rid of this pain and fire-like heat.

At least that's what my mind was telling me.

"What was that?" Nina asked cautiously and I looked at her, seeing lust hidden in the depths of her eyes.

"What do you mean?" I remarked, confused by her change in mood.

"I suddenly feel drawn to you." She voiced which didn't clear up my confusion.

"Maybe it's the heat?" My sister proposed and I watched as Nina stood hearing this.

"I should go. It was an honour to help you, your highness." Nina told me as she bowed, not meeting my eyes and that slight move told me it was far too much for her, though it had me wondering if everyone I went around would act the same.

"Can I be alone?" I asked my family once Nina left.

"Alright, but if you need anything—" My mother started, but I didn't allow her to finish because I knew exactly what she was going to say.

"I know," I replied, cutting off my mother.

"I love you."

That was the last thing she said before they all left, allowing me to fall back against my bed letting out the tears I was keeping in, and I stayed like this for a while until my eyes went to my room door that was pushed open to reveal Darrelle.

"Zaelah? Are you alright? A few guards told me that you weren't feeling well." He asked me worriedly while his orbs examined me closely as I sat up after wiping my tears away.

"I'm fine," I told him, but he didn't appear to be persuaded by my words as he took a seat next to me before pressing his hand against my forehead and that simple move had him frowning because of my unusual warmth.

"You're extremely hot." He stated softly, removing his hand.

Kiss him.

A voice in the back of my mind ordered, but I ignored it which only made it grow louder and louder and even more demanding.

Kiss him and you'll be rid of your pain.

I knew the voice was trying to tempt me to do something I'd regret later, but I just couldn't resist it because like my mind, my body was betraying me as I leaned into him in hopes to ease the pain.

"Zaelah..." He began cautiously as he sensed the mood shift between us from my lustful gaze.

The distance I created between us was small and I waited for him to pull away, but he didn't, which had me leaning in further as his hand gently greeted my cheek ignoring the heat.

We didn't get the chance to do anything due to the sound of a knock against my room door which had us moving away from each other like children getting caught stealing cookies from a jar.

I cleared my throat as my senses overtook the temptation causing me to stand and I didn't bother to spare him a glance because I was already making my way over to the door, opening it.

"What is it?" I asked the guard, who bowed to show her respect.

"Werewolves are outside."


Alpha Zaelah |  Book One: Realities DemiseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz