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For a second as we crossed the transparent bridge, as I looked past the etched intricate lines that lit up with a light blue hue underneath my feet, I thought about throwing myself off. I figured I could just end it right then and there.

Then I thought of my mom and why she died.

For me.

I had to live, for her. She died trying to protect me..

The wind blew forcefully and I trembled as the three of us walked along a narrow pathway. My body was weakening and the aliens on either side of me had supported most of my weight.

The outermost material of the ship looked like some type of raw black irony stone. While the pathway we walked on was lit up with a blue that resembled my eye color.

We passed though a transparent light purple barrier. My head started to feel light, my eyes feeling heavier. Something about the air seemed sweeter and easier to breathe.

"King Alpheyon." My alien captors bowed, causing my body to stumble forward. This only served to irritate the one on my left, who ripped me upward by my arm causing my dislocated shoulder to throb in torment. A cry escaped my lips as I gritted my teeth in anguish. My entire body ached from the abuse it received in the last seventy two hours.

"Daragon and Arcana.." The power in his voice couldn't be missed, neither could the annoyance.

"What is this fema--" His voice was no longer heard, the words cut off short. I looked up supprised to see a somewhat normal looking guy. If you count a near white complexion and grey scars normal. His hair was light like mine, almost pure white. It A pair of tight black leather looking pants hung snuggly around his slim waist. The definition of his muscular abs and torso was astounding.

His muscular chest got closer to me as I greedily took in the novelty of a new species, or maybe it was his incredible body, I'm not sure, my mind was somewhat cloudy.

He circled around the three of us, watching me with curiosity. I could feel his hot air brushing against my lower back, his breath returning into his body deeply as he..

As he scented me?

"Don't touch me!" My voice carried through the huge open corridor, stopping only to bounce from one huge pillar to the next.

His nose continued to trail up my bloody gash along my back, as if nothing had been said, stopping only when he met my shoulder. He brushed my long white hair to one side of my shoulder as his body moved even closer to mine, his nose brushing against the sensitive parts of my neck. I shivered, goosebumps rising across my skin.

"Interesting." Her sulked away from us. "Take her to the keepers." The aliens that held me kept their grip tight as I struggled, knowing that even if I did manage to slip through their fingers, I had nowhere to go.

"Let me go! You don't need me, just let me go!" I pleaded, hoping that my words might make a difference. They only echoed in the large space.

I winced as the aliens known as Daragon and Arcana carried me through the halls of the giant ship. Their attire much different than that of the one who gave them their orders. They wore a suit of obsidian stones that covered their bodies like the scales of a dragons armor. While the one before was dressed in much less.

The walls were the same material as the outside of the ship, a dark metal stone. Bright blue light emitted from a continuous array of lines that ran along the floor and lower foot of the walls.

We reached an archway covered with a transparent red barrier. The one on my left let my arm go as he let the arm of his suit hover next to the doorway. The barrier changed colors to the familiar transparent purple.

"What's this?" A smaller female spoke with confusion. Her hair was charcoal black, a stark contrast to her pale white complexion.

"Fix her." The one on my left ordered her.

"Daragon.. This is against protocol." She warned.

"King Alpheyon's orders." The one on my left said again. I get the impression that he holds more authority than the one on my right.

She nodded and pointed them toward a long stone altar. They lifted me up to sit on the cold black stone. It looked somewhat jagged but the ridges were smooth, not sharp, almost like it were carved from a huge rock.

"Please state your name and age for the record." The woman spoke as she began to lift my shirt up from my body. My eyes snapped to the two suit covered aliens and glared their way.

"Thank you. Now, some privacy for the young female." The woman must have caught on to my discomfort

"Viviana Wells, 19 years old... What's your name?" I tried to use small talk to work my way through the pain of the keeper pulling my bloody shirt out of the gash on my back. I shut my eyes tightly as I fought the urge to growl out in pain.

"My name is Renasha, most know me only as one of the keepers." She applied some kind of pale sparkling ointment and a bandage to my back.

"What does a keeper do?" I sat up straighter, covering my breasts with my right arm.

"I give aid to those who need it." She held my left arm in her hand bracing herself against the altar beneath me.

"Renasha, is it done?" His smooth voice distracted me for a split second as she popped the shoulder back into place, earning a howl from me.

"She is done." Renasha bowed as the alien King entered.

"Take these." She held her hand out revealing two capsules of some luminescent green liquid. I raised an eyebrow. I wasn't going to just take some random medication, especially when it looks like it could be radioactive!

"Take them." The King demanded, his voice was gruff and his jaw clenched. A sort of force persuading my hand to immediately swing up to receive the capsules from Renasha. He was much taller standing right next to me. I met his eyes as I tipped my head back to swallow the capsules, he had two large silvery grey scars on his cheek that I didn't notice before. His brow was forced inward creating crease above his nose.

Immediately, I felt light and dizzy. My eyes traveled slower than normal, my eyelids feeling heavy. I couldn't help the giggles that formed in my stomach, protruding out my mouth with no sign of stopping. I covered my mouth with the back of my hand as I tried and failed horribly to control my laughing. One last deep breath in and everything went black.

Authors Note: Let me know what you guys think of this book so far?

How do you like Viviana? She's kindave badass, then again most of us would have to be if we were put in a situation like she was.

Anokhian: InvasionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin