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Authors Note: soooo it's been a while. First of all, let me say, COVID sucks. But also let me say, I've been a stay at home mom for seven years, since I was nineteen. I finally joined the workforce again and I'm feeling really good about that!
I want to thank you guys who have been waiting patiently, probably wondering if I was EVER going to update again... I do plan to finish this story, before I ADHD out and start another lol.

So here's to 22.

Enjoy. <3

I had chosen a dense, dark green forested area in the Pacific Northwest's Cascade mountain range. I had heard wonders about the volume of its beauty but never thought the energy the woodland gave off would be so stimulating.

The moment we stepped off the ship my senses were loaded with the scent of pine. Moss-covered stumps and twisted roots rose out of the soil all around us. You could feel the richness of the damp dirt beneath us as it gave way under our boots. I wondered if I was the only one here that truly appreciated the Earth's immaculate beauty.

"The location is secured, sir. We've set a perimeter ten miles out. Some local species look like they have potential to be life-threatening." A tall female reported back to Radeon after being out with the rest of the Archanum for the last half hour.

"Most of the wildlife here should leave us alone, it's the wolves, bears, and cougars that you need to keep your eyes open for." I spoke freely. The group looked at me suddenly as if I had grown a third eye in the middle of my forehead.

"As I said.. Any and all possible dangers should be considered. Thank you Sulvana." I watched Radeon as he shared a knowing look with his comrade. Was there something wrong with me?

He took in the vast amount of greenery. There was a twinkle of astonishment in his gaze. He almost looked as amplified as I'd felt as I stepped off the transport vessel and part of me wondered if he found himself appreciating the majesty of Earth as well.

"Well," I clapped my hands together, rubbing them in a back-and-forth motion. "I'm going to gather some firewood."

I started strolling into the forest. Before I could pass the first tree on the other side of the large clearing I was stopped by a brief hand on my shoulder.

"It's not safe for you to go alone." Radeon's voice was filled more so with concern rather than critique. The question of why his behavior had changed toward me still lingered in the back of my mind.

"Well, come on then." I told him as I moved further into the deep green scenery. This seemed to please him. I picked up fallen branches along the way, stacking them in my arm as he followed. They felt as light as feathers and it confused me before I remembered Phaèryons words..

"I made you better in every way.."

"Why do you need this?" Radeon's firm voice snapped me out of my memories. "The shelters we've packed are temperature controlled." He seemed content and bothered all at the same time and I found myself confused at his behavior again.

"Have you ever seen fire?" Curiosity built as I realized I might be able to show them something new. Something they had never seen before.

"Not one of earth. Fire on Anok burns extremely violently. They say the fumes are toxic. We haven't seen a fire for over three hundred earth years." He picked up a branch, tossing it between his hands.

"Well, I won't burn the forest down if that's what your thinking." I stopped and pulled my lips back into a smile. He tilted his head and looked at me curiously.

"What?" I raised my eyebrows as I waited for an explanation.

"I assumed you'd disliked me. However, your radiant tells me otherwise." A small smile was hidden behind his strong mask.

"My radiant?" I felt my cheeks heat up at the feelings he stirred in me. Radeon was more than attractive. He was a brute, built with thick bands of muscle, completely different from his lankier yet toned cousin, Phaèryon.

"This... Procedure, my cousin had you undergo.. It changed your physical capabilities to mirror that of our own." He took careful steps toward me.

"What he didn't know.. What we're all confused about, is that you already have blood from our lineage. What we don't know is how or when and why that causes a problem, is because now you are a true royal." His purple orbs that scanned over my body reminded me of cold winter sunrise's. The fog that laid thick in the valleys of his eyes was a dull pink hue.

"As you've seen.. Other Anokhian are not quite like us." He reached his arm out for mine, the tip of his thumb grazing over the amber-colored symbols that spread across my skin.

"Emotions are something I'm not used to sharing. Now I'm forced to." I pulled away from him and started back toward camp with one arm full of wood.

He was silent as he followed behind me, the only sound that showed he was still there was a quiet snap of a twig here and there. I wasn't sure if I had hurt his feelings, all I know is that I had no choice but to share mine with everyone who looked at me and it was unfair.

I stacked the sticks into a teepee shape, ignoring the looks of concern I got from members of the Archanum. My markings now gave off a deep cobalt blue. I threw the rest of the wood down, my markings quickly changing to red, then back to blue. I rushed to the transport ship. I just wanted to hide. I had no control over my display of emotions and it was causing me to overthink, causing more emotion than I had originally felt.

I dug through my bag trying to find a hoodie or something to cover myself with but couldn't. I felt a brief hand on my elbow and instantly recognized it as Radeon. There was something about his gentle yet firm touch that soothed me slightly, almost like an exchange of energy that I was beginning to recognize as his.

I stopped what I was doing but didn't turn to look at him. I knew he could feel my frustration, he understood what I was feeling. Not just because he could see the color emitting off of me. This was something he must have gone through too. I heard a long zip and felt the warmth of his jacket cover my arms.

"Ninak is a strong warrior. If you want to beat her-" I spun around, stopping him before he could say anymore.

"I don't care about beating Ninak. I don't want to be with Phaèryon." I raised my voice at him, there was a mix of deep reds and faint purples pulsing through my skin.

"It's a death match, Viviana. You win or you die." I could tell he was holding his emotions back, trying to hide them like Phaèryon did.

"Who cares.. Everyone I loved is gone and winning gives me a life with someone I don't want to be stuck with."  I could be numb too. Even if my emotions could be seen externally.

"You forget there are four contenders in this match, Phaèryon isn't the only one who wants you by his side." He growled as he retreated out of the transport ship. His skin kept his normal white completion but his cobalt blue eyes gave him away.. He was hurt, just as I was.

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