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I laid comfortably as I drifted back to consciousness, not yet remembering how I ended up asleep anyways. My breath was steady as I took in the rich air around me. Nothing felt wrong or out of place. I tried to roll over on my side, realising only then that the pain in my body was gone. My eyes shot open as I slowly remembered the last few minutes before I drifted away. My body went ridged as I tried to figure out what was going on.

Where was I?

The gel like cushion behind me was cool to the touch and incredibly soft. About eight inches Infront of me was a dome type barrier that was lit up in a white color but not at all transparent like the other barriers I've seen before. I took another deep breath as I tried to calm the erratic beating in my chest.

"Hello!" I strengthened my core and belted out.

"Viviana Wells. Female. Running biological diagnostics." A robotic yet soothing female voice sounded from inside.

"Skeletal Assessment: One-hundred percent.
Respiratory Assessment: One-hundred percent.
Cardiovascular Assessment: One-hundred percent.
Muscular Assessment: One-hundred percent.
Integumentary Assessment: One-hundred percent." My body had been healed, completely. How long had I been in this.. whatever this thing is.

"Anaxis, open chamber 305." A voice could be heard from the other side of the barrier.

"Opening chamber 305." The white barrier desolved into nothing Infront of me.

"State your name and age for the record." Renasha asked me for the second time, a knowing smile planted on her pale lips as I pushed myself off the all too comfortable cushion.

"You already asked me that." I sighed. As much as I loved the idea of talking to someone after three months of isolation in the wilderness, I was still unsure of what exactly was going on here and why these aliens were being so hospitable..

"It's protocol." She tapped the small cylinder device in her hand against her other palm.

"Viviana Wells. 19 years old." I sighed in annoyance.

"Great. Follow me." She turned and began walking by the capsule shaped chambers as she called them.

The hall of chambers was long and slightly curved as if following the circular shape of the ship. We exited through a transparent purple barrier once again entering the dark hallway lit up by blue lines in the floor.

"How long was I under?" I asked as I followed her through the darkness, her jet black bob blending in to the surroundings.

"About twelve earth hours." She rounded a corner and we passed through another transparent purple barrier into a small cylinder shaped room about the size of an elevator.

My heart was suddenly plunged into the depths of my stomach as the room moved upward at breathtaking pace and quickly slowed to a comfortable stop.

I couldn't help but gaze at the marble white skin that shown on Renasha's bare shoulders as we continued down another long hallway. Her complexion was creamy white like milk, even in the darkness that surrounded us. There was no peach fuzz like the small white hairs that covered my own body. The sheen her skin gave off resembled soft satin where as mine resembled eggshell.

We passed again through a transparent purple barrier. I'm assuming they're used as a door of some kind, but I'm not sure of their purpose. Inside the whole room was plain white. Every chair, table, wall and the entire floor was an unsettling hospital white. It was completely empty and the clicking sound of Renasha's shoes was all that could be heard echoing through the room.

My eyes scanned my surroundings as id gotten so accustomed to living in the forest. Always looking for dangers around me. The room was almost numbing to my senses, so much that the thought of becoming complacent was simply irresistible.. Almost.

"Where are you taking me?" I questioned Renasha to help keep my nerve. To help me remember that I was inside an alien ship, taken captive against my will. I had just fought for my life running from them.

"To your dwelling." She spoke as if I should have known that.

"Im not staying here." I snapped back bluntly as I shook my head back and fourth.

"I'm sorry... You must understand." Her brow creased and she bit her lip nervously.

"I want to speak to your King." I stood up straight and demanded.

"I will send a request. Until then, you can wait her-" I cut her off before she could say anymore. Nipping the idea in the bud as she fiddled with her communicator.

"No." I spoke quickly, maybe a little too quickly.

"Somewhere else. Not here." I wasn't sure how long I could take the barren white walls of that room.

"The King would like to see you in his quarters." She looked at her cylindrical device slightly confused, concerned features hidden on her face.

I felt a chill down my spine at her reaction. I stood still, frozen, wondering if I should have refused that option as well. Nevertheless, I found myself walking behind her in the dark hallway once more.

Anokhian: InvasionWhere stories live. Discover now