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I blocked all of Radeon's blows. I knew he wasn't giving it his all but it filled me with confidence about winning the claiming. 

We were locked in a dance of blades. My feet never got tired of kicking or parrying at his every move, my mind was always working and calculating what would come next. My hand didn't let go of my dagger, ready to defend myself at the slightest sign of offence.

After some time we broke apart, our eyes still locked in an intense battle. His chest was rising and falling quickly, a small bead of sweat trickled down his forehead.

“Your attack isn’t enough!” he shouted, panting heavily as he pushed his fist away from me. “I need you to fight with passion and fury! Your attacks lack strength and precision. It’s not enough!”

He lunged forward, launching an attack again. I tried to dodge his blow and pushed myself off balance, he threw himself on top of me. He had me pinned down, his hands gripped around his neck. Our chests slammed against each other.

I was breathing harshly, trying to find an opening to make him lose his grip. My heart hammered wildly against my chest. Sweat dripped off my forehead, soaking through the back of my clothes. I could feel his hot breath fanning over my face.

He smirked and moved closer, closing his lips against mine, his tongue flicking across my lower lip. I moaned softly, unable to hide my reaction, and opened my mouth, allowing his tongue entrance. His warm, wet mouth slid smoothly over mine, taking advantage of the slight opening I created. He kissed me roughly, pressing down harder than usual.

“You know the rules, Princess. No touching!” He whispered huskily into my ear, his sarcasm made me smile. His body vibrating slightly against mine as he seductively laughed. “This is the only way I can claim you… you have to win." 

My stomach tightened and twisted in a strange way. His voice had turned deep and husky while speaking. His accent was thick. I wanted more but his hand pressed tighter around my throat. I struggled against him but his grip was impenetrable.

“Come on, Princess! Give me what I want!” he growled. I could feel my pulse quickening as his words sent warmth to my core. He began pushing down harder against my body, burying his lips in the crook of my neck. I could hear his breath hitching.

I felt heat building up inside of me and I began struggling even harder against him. He lifted his head from my neck and looked at me.His eyes met mine and they were filled with lust. He was aroused.

A feeling of dread washed over me. My heart began to race and blood pumped loudly in my ears, making it hard for me to breathe. My lungs were begging for oxygen.

“You… You have to win,” I said quietly, my voice barely audible.

He smiled wickedly and leaned down, kissing me once more. His lips were soft and gentle, yet firm. He held me tightly against him, his arm wrapped around my waist.

I closed my eyes and allowed myself to enjoy the moment. I could feel his arousal growing against me. He ran one finger down my cheek and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. Then his lips were gone and replaced by soft whispers.

“That’s it. Come on Princess. Fight for me…. Show me how good your fighting is." His voice was almost purring."Do it for me..."

I tried to concentrate on finding a way out of his hold, looking for weak spots so I could escape and gain an upper hand. I wanted to fight for him. I needed to prove that I was strong enough to win the claiming.

He wanted me to show him how strong my power was, so I did just that. I focused on my body, pushing it to it's limits as I tried to use brute force against Radeon. I was able to flip our bodies over so I was the one in control. I held my dagger to his neck tenderly.

"Now," he whispered, "Show me that you're worth all the work it took to get to where we are now." He gripped my hips with his large hands. "You're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. You belong with me."

I could hear the desperation and longing in his voice. It was then that I realized I wasn't just fighting for my survival. I was doing it for him. I was fighting for him. I lowered my dagger slightly.

The air shifted, as if someone had walked in on us. I turned my head to the side to see who it was and froze.
It was the Archanum.

They stood there staring at me with wide eyes. Their faces were covered in shock and her expression was mixed with disbelief.

"Sir.' one of them said as they all shifted nervously on their feet. "The king wishes for us to return."

I slowly removed my arms from around his neck and backed away. I put my dagger away and stood up, brushing the dust from my clothes.

"Pack up. We leave at night fall" he ordered with a stuff posture I could hear him growl low under his breath.

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