If we could turn back time [Part 1]

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Irene leaves the courtroom followed by her lawyer who is also her best friend, Kim Yongsun or known as Solar. Today is the final trial of her divorce with her now former husband, Kang Seulgi. They have been dating since high school. Irene is Seulgi's senior by three years. She's the first one to confess her feelings to Seulgi. She falls in love at first sight when they accidentally bump into each other on Seulgi's first day at high school. Sadly they can't defend their marriage from thunderstorms. Problems keep coming every now and then make their marriage shaken.

"Rene, there is Seulgi. Are we approaching him?" Solar whisper to Irene when she saw Seulgi and his lawyer at the lobby

"Yes, I have final words for him"

Both of them walk towards Seulgi's direction. Seulgi looking at Irene with unreadable expression while Irene give cold gaze

"I have last thing to say to you" Irene say straightforward

"Go ahead"

"Thank you for all the years we've been together. I don't regret knowing you but I regret given my heart to you" Irene stated "Let's go, Solar" they leave without waiting for Seulgi response


"Irene, are you sure you don't want to tell Seulgi that you're pregnant?" Solar asking carefully knowing Irene current mood is not in a good state

"Yes, I'm not going to tell him. No reason for him to know. He is not my husband anymore. My pregnancy has nothing to do with him. I can raise my child alone"

"Okay if you say so. I can't force you too. What about your child's surname? Will you name the future baby after you?"

"Of course, this baby is mine. He or she will be Bae not Kang or anyone else"

"I got it" Solar nods. "Are you staying in New Zealand for good?"

"Until I can totally heal my heart. I don't know how long it will take. I want my future child grow up in peaceful place where no one know him and me"

"I hope all the best for you"

"Thanks, Yongsun for all the support. I'm sorry I can't help you in our law firm"

"Don't feel bad. I still have Rose, Joy and Yerim with me. I'll wait for your return"



Present time

Incheon airport is busy as usual. There are a lot of people who come and go to the airport whether to travel, return to their hometown or wait for their family or friends to arrive.

As for Irene and her boys, they just arrived in South Korea from New Zealand. Even though this is not the first time they come to this country, the boys are excited because this time they will stay for good. Their mom said they will transfer back to Korea after 20 years of staying overseas. It is the best birthday gift for both of them

Irene gave birth to beautiful twin boys 20 years ago. She named them Bae Jaehyun and Bae Jeno. Since her failed marriage with Seulgi, she never had any intention to get married. She decided to raise her sons alone no matter how hard it is. When the boys are 11 years old, they come to Korea for the first time. Both of them are very happy that they finally come to their hometown and meet with their big family. Jaehyun and Jeno are loved by everyone. They are very friendly, smart and cheerful. She is happy that her sons grown up surrounded by people who love them unconditionally

When Jaehyun and Jeno were 15 years old, she told them about their father. She decides to let the boys know who their father is. She also showed Seulgi's picture to her sons. Irene does not ask what they feel after they know the truth but from their reaction, she knows they are sad and hurting. Her parents also told the twins about Irene and Seulgi's past relationship.

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