Kang family: Scene 1

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At principal office

Principal: Sir, I call you to come because your daughter, Kang Yerim create lot of trouble at school. Her teachers often complaining that they are victim of Yerim prank

Kang Seulgi: Ehemm, Yerim is quite a troublemaker. Not only at home or school but around our neighborhood but...I never call you to our house to solve the issue, right?

Yerim and her father laughing crazily seeing the principal face contort. Meanwhile, the poor principal already thinking to end his 35 years carrier after meeting this weirdo

Yerim: Good job dad!

Kang Seulgi: I'm not your dad for nothing

Principal: typical stupid people *said in his mind*


P.s I saw this kind of meme on facebook so I make 1 for Kang family. I hope you all like it

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