Forbidden love - ft. Winrina x Giselle [Part 3]

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Karina nervously leaves her last class this evening. Today she will meet with Winter to end their relationship. She already composed herself for their final meeting as girlfriend. Her sister and Giselle have been giving her support since yesterday. Now she is ready to face Winter

"Minjeong" Karina approaching Winter who stand facing the lake

Winter turned around when she heard Karina's voice. She welcome the older girl with smile and hug "I miss you"

"Hm, me too" Karina answer shortly

"Babe, let's go to the usual café. We haven't met for a week. I have a lot to talk with you"

"I'm sorry but we can't"

"Why? Do you have any activity after this?"

"No, my schedule ended already"

Winter reactions change. She stares at Karina sharply "Are you meeting someone else that makes you don't want to go out with me? Is it because of that new girl in your class?"

"Yaa Minjeong, don't involve Giselle in our matter. Why do you always say her name whenever we meet? Do you like her?"

"I don't like her. I don't like her near you"

"Why? What makes you insecure? You never behave like that when I'm with my friends. What's wrong with you actually?" Karina groan

"I don't want her to take you away from me. I can see that she is aiming for you. She is a threat to our relationship"

"Don't accuse blindly, Kim Minjeong. I don't want to argue because of your jealousy" Karina massage her nose bridge "I have something to say to you. This is very important and I hope you accept it open-heartedly

"What is it?" Winter looking at Karina intensely

"Let's break-up"

"What do you say?"

"We break-up. I cross my heart and this is final. After thinking carefully, I decide to obey to my mother"

Winter laughing "Aside from your mom's wish, Giselle is also one of the reasons you want to break-up, don't you?"

"Minjeong, please stop bringing Giselle to our problem. She have nothing to do with us"

"Remember how bad you don't want us to break-up when your mom asks you to? You whining to me to bring you far away from your family so that we can be together. At the same time, Giselle appears out of nowhere. In less than two months, you declare a break-up" Winter smirk "Do you think I don't know you have an affair with Giselle?"

"Please stop that nonsense thinking of yours!"

Winterscrolling through her phone then shove the gadget to Karina's face

Winterscrolling through her phone then shove the gadget to Karina's face

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