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"Hey." I called out softly as I stood beside Yuki, leaning against the railling at the rooftop, skygazing with him.

The sky was painted in a beautiful shade of blue, decorated with some fluffy white clouds. The sun wasn't too hot during the autumn season and we could feel the gentle breeze on our skin.

Yuki knew I was next to him by now, but he neither made any eye contact with me nor said a word. Perhaps he was embarrassed of what happened justnow.

We were just standing there quietly for about 5 minutes, but it wasn't uncomfortable at all.

"Hi there little birdies in the sky, the weather is so beautiful today and you all are out here enjoying the breeze and having fun. But my friend here is a little gloomy today, what should I do to cheer him up? Chirp chirp chirp? Ahhh chirp!" I was pretending to talk to the flying birds, hoping to cheer Yuki up a little.

And it did, he let out a chuckle.

"Chirp! It works! Thank you my birdie friends." I waved to the birds sillily.

"Look at that smile on you, that's more like it. A gloomy face doesn't go well with a beautiful day like this." I said facing him.

"Thanks for cheering me up." Yuki turned and smiled to me.

"Are you...okay?" I asked.

"Yea, I'm fine." he then looked down. "I'm sorry about my attitude at the court justnow, I don't know what has gotten into me."

I didn't say anything, because I didn't know what was the best thing to say in this situation. I gave him a pat at the shoulder, trying to tell him everything was alright.

"I'm sorry." Yuki apologised.

"Did anything happened between you and Ivan or perhaps the team? Or was it because of....me?" I ended my question in a relatively softer tone, worrying that him answer would be the later.

"I was angry about what they have done to you. It was so unfair for you. I...my anger took over me when I saw them across the net during the game." Yuki responded with frustration written over his face.

I looked at Yuki for a few seconds and removed my hand from his shoulder.

"I'm sorry that my personal matter has affected you....Knowing you, I know you're not someone who would act irrationally. But Yuki, what you did justnow was not okay and you may have just put yourself at the same level as those jerks, right? The Yuki that we all know is a gentleman with the utmost professionalism, someone whom the younger generations look up to and treat as a role model. You are someone whom your teammates and I respect a lot too. You are much more than those jerks, so please don't do that again. Promise me?" I looked into Yuki's eyes as I explained.

Yuki then looked at me with an apologetic look and said: "I promise you, Chelsea."

I smiled, but deep down still feeling a little guilty that I was the reason behind this ugly scene.

"How about you, are you alright? I was worried that you couldn't sleep well last night." said Yuki.

"Yes, I'm okay. I'm not living in the past anymore, I have dwelt in the darkness long enough and I have decided to start a new life ever since I moved to Japan. I'm a happy-go-lucky girl. So, don't worry about me okay?" I replied confidently.

"Wait, is that why you're having such a heavy dark eye cricles today?" I suddenly came to a realisation.

He gave me a shy smile while scratching his hair.

"You worried for nothing hahaha! Based on our schedule, we are done today. Let's grab lunch, my treat." I said as I dragged Yuki towards the exit.

We had our lunch at a Japanese restaurant a few blocks away from the training site. We ordered two plates of curry rice and some sushi. The food tasted as authentic as those back in Japan, we enjoyed them a lot.

The owner of the restaurant was an old Japanese grandpa and he recognised Yuki when he served us our food. The owner said he was proud of Yuki as a Japanese because he brought fame and positivity to their home country. Yuki was blushing from all his endless praises.

The owner also requested his staff to take a photo of him and Yuki so he could hang it up at his restaurant, which Yuki shyly agreed and even signed it for him.

Looking at how Yuki interacted with the old grandpa reminds me of how he treated the obasan back in another restaurant in our Japan neighbourhood. He was always kind and gentle to the elderly and also his friends. The Yuki that we witnessed at the court this morning was back to his happy self.

As we were ready go home after lunch, suddenly the sky became gloomy and the rain started to pour heavily. We didn't bring any umbrella, so we couldn't walk home. We flagged down a taxi at the restaurant entrance and we rushed into it trying to avoid getting wet.

The traffic was a little congested due to the rain and peak hour, so the ride was expected to be longer than usual

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The traffic was a little congested due to the rain and peak hour, so the ride was expected to be longer than usual. I looked out the window admiring the views and the people at the streets, while enjoying the sound of the raindrops.
[Third person's POV]

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter....

As the rain continued to fall, the raindrops falling on the taxi composed a beautiful lullaby. The windows had now become slightly foggy. The temperature was cooling, but not freezing cold.

The tired Yuki who did not sleep well last night had his head fallen lightly onto Chelsea's left shoulder. Chelsea's eyelids were getting heavier as she was mesmerised by the sound of the raindrops, ended up leaning on Yuki's head on her shoulder. Both were sleeping soundly.

The taxi driver saw the two sleepyheads through his rear mirror, he drove slowly and steadily so he wouldn't wake his passengers up and they could get a good rest in the traffic jam.

Pitter-patter, pitter-patter....

Rest well and sweet dreams.

To be continued...


Hi there dear readers,

What is your favourite weather? 😊

Mine is definitely a rainy day. I love the sound of the rain and the petrichor (the smell after a rain). I enjoyed watching rain by the window and I don't mind playing under the rain. Rain always makes me feel calm and relax.

Do share with me about your favourite weather 😊

See you in the next chapter!

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