It Was Personal

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My workload was getting heavier and heavier as it was proportional with Yuki's increasing popularity around the world. I later came to learn that he started to gain more fame since the Tokyo Olympics 2020, when he was appointed as the captain of Ryujin Nippon. His fan base has expanded exponentially since then, for various reasons - his marvellous volleyball skills, the fans wanting to know more about him and his team, and of course many falling for his handsome look.

Our schedule was always fully packed from dawn to dusk almost every single day. With his club promotion activities, physical and online interviews for both Japan and Italy, being an ambassador as well as involving in collaborative work at designing sports gears for sports brand etc. The list goes on.

Despite the endless events, I tried my best to keep it well-balanced for Yuki so he could still concentrate on his regular volleyball training, which is supposed to be the most important thing for him, especially with the Superlega happening in just a few weeks time. I was always on the laptop or phone, checking for emails and meeting a bunch of personnels to get things done, with or without Yuki.

So from another point of view, if I was that busy, that also meant Yuki was even busier, because he was the main character afterall.

Eventhough it has only been a month of working as Yuki's personal assistant, I was deeply inspired by this young man. He always gives his 100% in every thing he does. He practices hard during training and he always self-reflects on how he could improve. He behaves professionally during all his interviews and collaboration with the relevant authorities. Everyone loves working with him because he was easy-going and never caused any trouble for others. He never complains, no matter how tired he feels sometimes. That motivates me to work harder and to stay strong as his sidekick.

Now I understand why he is the captain of the Ryujin Nippon back in Japan. I have so much respect for Yuki and I enjoyed working with him very much.

"Here's some takoyaki, I asked for extra cheese just for you. You have been skipping meals, I'm sorry that we are so busy recently." said Yuki as he passed me a paper bag that was still warm.

Haven't I mention Yuki is also a heartwarming person? For someone who doesn't know him, he may seem to a bit shy and cool. But when he gets familiar with someone, he cares a lot for that person. I am proud to call him a friend as well.

"Thanks Yuki, let's enjoy it together." I opened the paper bag and put it at the arm rest between us.

We were on our way to Treia for another pre-season friendly match on a bus ride. Yes, it was going to be with Ivan's team again. Yuki tried to convinced me that I didn't have to come along, I knew he was worried about me even if he didn't say it. I reassured Yuki that I was already over it, I insisted I would be alright.

It was a long 5 hours ride and we have finally reached the stadium. The boys were hungry and decided to walk to a nearby restaurant to get some food since the match would only be starting in two hours time. I chose to stay at the stadium, I wasn't too hungry after savouring the Takoyaki and I needed to use the WiFi at the stadium to get some urgent work done.

I walked into the stadium and spotted a room with the sign "Power Milano" in front of it. That must be our team's locker room for today. I sat at a corner desk and placed my laptop on it. I was listening to my favourite song list with my earphones while concentrating at work.

After half an hour, I felt someone tapping on my shoulder. The boys must be back already.

"Hi, welcome back guys." I said with my eyes still on my laptop, before I turned my head around.

Oh....that was not the boys.

It wasn't Yuki too.

"Sigh, how can I help you Ivan?" I asked unwillingly as I decided to turn back to my laptop.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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