Chapter 14

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" get yo ass up " Mo said shaking me I popped my eyes open meeting his

He was already dressed for school I jumped up

" what time is it mo why did you let me over sleep " I said as I rushed to the bathroom turning on the shower

" I tried to wake yo ass up you kept saying 5 more mins & plus we got a cool 30 mins before the schools even open " he said walking pass me leaving out of the room I rolled my eyes

Getting undressed I turned & look at myself in the mirror I wasn't fit I was big I didn't have a problem with that it was just that Everytime a dude saw me he didn't see me he saw my body

" can't wait to be skinny " I mumbled as I stepped into the shower letting the hot water hit my body I relaxed

Reached over I grabbed my phone putting on Rod wave " Everything " setting the phone back down on the sink & closing the curtain

After about 15 mins I was out of the shower & brushing my teeth I decided to apply my lashes before getting dressed only because sometimes I felt to lazy to put them on at the end

" Hurry up " mo said kicking the door which scared me

" don't rush me I'm doing my hair now " I said grabbing a brush & putting it under the water letting it get wet a little

I started to brush my hair up adding some eco style gel the pink one that helped keep your curls maintained

After I was done I stepped out of the bathroom

" get out " I told mo as I walked towards my bay that was on the bed

" you better hurry tf up we only got bout 10 mins " he said leaving out the room shutting the door

" shut up bitch " I mumbled as I unzipped the bay pulling out my deodorant applying some & sitting on the bed lotioning my body down

I decided to wear demin blue Jean shorts that stopped above my thighs they weren't short they were appropriate

I also put on a red Tommy Hilfiger shirt with my white forces

I went back to the restroom looking into the mirror over lining my lips with lip liner & coating my lips with some clear gloss

I sprayed some perfume on myself & grabbed my bag dropped the perfume in it

" finally " mo said as I walked pass him going towards the front door

Me & my dawgs was just chilling in the school parking lot joking around talking about nothing basically

" so you & Aliah really done bro like y'all not even tryna make shit work " Levi asked as he opened up a slim Jim

I looked over at him replying " man she fw Mo soft ass & I can't do nothing bout it but respect her wishes " I told him

" oh you a mature ass nigga huh if it was Randi I probably woulda beat tf outta mo " Levi replied before walking towards the trash cans

Deep down inside thats what I wanted to do but I knew if I did that Aliah probably wouldn't talk to my ass again

" are you going to breakfast today " kyla came up to me putting her hand in mine I wanted to snatch back from her ass but I was also playing Aliah game too

" yeah " I respond making eye contact with Aliah as she made her way towards the entrance of the school with mo trailing behind her I just scoffed

Why she running round acting like she happy with that bitch ass nigga

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