Chapter 31

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Iguess this what y'all want lol

A week later

Aliah was sitting down at the counter in her kitchen eating a bowl of cereal while watching tiktoks

Tiktok was so funny to her she started to become addicted to the app

" Uhuh get somebody else to do it " she laughed as she got up from the counter putting her bowl in the sink

Her phone started to ring causing her to stop what she was doing & go answer it

She paused once she saw ty was calling she fixed herself & took a deep breath ass she answered the phone

" hello " she said softly

Ty smiled once he heard her voice he missed it emma couldn't take his mind off of her the sex wasn't working neither were the dates

Emma thought she had ty on lock they were talking for Atleast a month & a half

Zach on the other end was chilling he knew about aliahs situation & he wasn't gonna keep her from ty he knew she'd be going back to him in a while

" wassup with you " ty asked he was sitting in front of her house he felt like 3 months was a long enough break for them

Now he wanted to know where her head was at

" nothing I'm just chilling around the house how you been " Aliah asked

She tried to seem chill but on the inside she was doing back flips

" I been good you know but check this out I'm outside let me talk to you face to face " Aliah froze once she heard he was outside

She ran to her window to see & sure enough his black jeep was parked in front of her house

" I'll be out in a minute " Aliah said as she hung up the phone running the bathroom to fix herself up

She brushed her teeth combed her hair & applied some clear lipgloss to her lips

Walking outside Aliah could feel butterustatt to erupt in her stomach

Getting to the passenger window she felt like she had to use the bathroom

What was he gonna ask me she thought

She was preparing for him to tell her that he had moved on or maybe he got Emma pregnant

They all followed each other on Instagram Emma was always throwing slick shots at Aliah but she let it slide she let her have ty what more could she want from her

" hi " she said lowly as she slid into his jeep closing the door

lil durk - India pt 3 was playing

" was going on " ty asked as he gave her a once over she still looked as beautiful as the day he met her

" nothing did you wanna talk about something " she asked nervously

" yeah we ain't talked to each other in a couple of months I been thinking about you I miss you & I was hoping you had made yo mind up about us if you don't wanna be together I'll let you go but if you say you want us back I'm willing to do that " ty told her

He missed his girl he was willing to work things out

He felt like he would never find a love like Aliah

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