Chapter 18

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After graduation
October 10th

" it's deep asf in here " ty said to himself as he walked in with Levi on his ass & Emma holding his hand

He couldn't lie & say she wasn't becoming a little clingy prancing around like she was his girl when she wasn't

In fact ty wasn't interested in white women at all he was all for black women

" what are you drinking " Emma asked ty as she asked for Henny on rocks

" same thing " ty responded looking round the party seeing Aliah & Randi make their way towards them

" same thing for him " Emma said as she passed the first drink to ty

He sipped it & shook his head a lil it's been a while since he got drunk he tried to stay away from liquor it had him doing & saying things he shouldn't

" you drinking " Randi asked Levi as he shook his head yeah he was just waiting for Randi to come so they could get drunk together

Ty shook his head at Levi

" inlove ass nigga " he mumbled

" don't hate bitch " Levi said as he grabbed Randi's hand walking away leaving Aliah with Emma & ty at the bar

" hi can I have pink Whitney with a shot of Hennessy in it " Aliah asked the bartender as the bartender nodded & started to make her drink

Ty furrowed his eyebrows at Aliahs choice

He didn't say anything tho it wasn't his place but he would keep a close eye on her

Fatal attraction by Kevin gates played as aliah drunkenly sang a long she loved that song

" don't play around with love under the love spell " she sing to herself as she looked around the party making eye contact with ty

If he wasn't with Emma Aliah was sure she would of went home with him after the party she didn't mind waking up next to ty on her birthday but she knew with his status she'd never have a happy ending with him & that made her sad

" you good " Randi asked walking over to Aliah with Levi trailing behind her it was clear that Randi was drunk

" yes you ? " Aliah asked Randi nodded smiling she was with Levi so she felt protected

Aliah wished that could of been her with ty

After a few drinks Aliah was fucked up she was currently sitting next to ty because he said she was way too fucked up to be walking around by herself

Emma sat next to them with a salty look on her face mad that Aliah was sitting by them

But Emma didn't know that ty would choose Aliah over her any day

Aliah was heart broken & she couldn't fake it the liquor really had her showing it now she couldn't hide it

She watched as ty sipped on his drink he was on his fourth while Emma was still on her first

Iguess she's the driver Aliah thought to herself

She was leaning on Ty's shoulder as she sing Rod wave abandoned

" now Heres a toxic trait that I have I beg for distance when I'm mad but being distant we won't last " Aliah sing to herself but ty could hear her

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