Part 2: Poor Thackery Binx

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The villagers now surround the sisters with pitchforks and torches. The sisters have nooses around their necks, and are standing on barrels.

"Look at that!" Winnie cackled. "All this attention for... us!"

Sarah danced in her seat.

"Winifred Sanderson?" A man addressed her.

"Father..." Binx sighed at the screen.


"I will ask thee one final time."

"Yes?" Winifred raised her eyebrows.

"You seem so casual," Izzy chuckled humourlessly. "How?"

"We had nothing to fear," Winnie shrugged. "It is enjoyable to play along with the mortal's theatrics."

"What has thou done with my son, Thackery?" He demanded.

Winifred pondered, "Thackery?"

Mr. Binx was furious. "Answer me!"

"Well, I don’t know. Cat’s got my tongue." Winifred chuckled as her sisters cackled.

"What a purr-fect way to put it, Winnie!" Mary chuckled.

"Oh! Ha!"

Binx hisses as thunder cracks in the sky.

Sarah fidgeted as the noose scratched her neck. "This is terribly uncomfortable."

"Terribly uncomfortable..." she repeated solemnly.

Winifred pauses. "Sisters, sing."

They harmonize before chanting, "Thrice I with mercury purify and spit upon the twelve tables." They spit on the ground in unison.

Mr. Binx shielded his wife. "Cover your ears! Listen to them not!"

"My poor parents." Binx frowned. "They lost Emily and I in the same day. I miss them terribly."

A man holding the spell book throws it down to cover his ears and the book lands right at Winifred’s feet. It opens up and she sees the spell that it revealed to her.

"Oh Book, my most beloved friend," Winnie smiled. She turned to Becca, "I hope thou art looking after it for me?"

"Of course," Becca nodded sincerely.

Max paused, "wait... you have the book?"

"Yeah... long story. Don't worry about it."

"Fools! All of you! My ungodly book speaks to you. On All Hallow’s Eve when the moon is around, a virgin shall summon us from under the ground. "

Winifred, Mary and Sarah turned to Max and spoke simultaneously, "an insufferable virgin."

Max flipped them off.

She cackled proudly beside her sisters. "Oh, we shall be back. And the lives of all the children shall be mine."

"If it wasn't for you meddling children..." Winnie growled.

Becca hid her laughter behind her hand, "you sound like a Scooby Doo villain."

Winifred hesitated, "...Scoobert... Doobert...?"

Izzy chuckled loudly. "Yeah, 'Scoobert Doobert'."

Mr. Binx gave the signal and the barrels that the sisters were standing on were kicked out from under them.

"Nice socks," Izzy complimented Winnie.

Sarah and Mary were rubbing their necks from where the noose used to be.

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