A shameful secret (Humiliation/Bullying/Forced messing)

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Trish was expecting me in our usual spot, an empty classroom where she would dish out all kinds of humiliating orders for me... our relationship was 'unique' to say the least. Trish used to be a mean bully, me being the new girl I had caught her attention back then, but what she didn't know at the time was that I crave humiliation. She pulled down my pants one day, so the next I had changed my mint green panties for pale pink one with childish cartoons on them. That day when Trish had done the 'prank' again it was way more fulfilling for me... the shame of everyone seeing my childish panties made me so hot and bothered. Still Trish cornered me later that day, she was so mean and harsh it made me so horny. This caught the other girl of guard and she was about to leave me thinking I was setting her up when I told her I wanted to be humiliated, that it got me off to be embarrassed. The mere act of admitting this made me shiver with lust and shame. This was the start of my unlikely relationship with Trish, who after a few weeks had for some reason come to like me, even growing concerned and often checking up on me after her mean 'pranks' to make sure I was okay. Today she was waving around something new, a jar of some medicine, she told me those would go up my butt. Without any questions I pulled down my pants and cute hello kitty panties for Trish to give me that new medicine. She giggled and after pushing in two of them that those were laxative suppositories and that I was going to have a messy accident in my pants during class. I got so horny just imagining it but Trish wasn't done yet, she told me that she would take me to the nurses office afterwards and give me another surprise. With that promise Trish pulled my pants back on and we left for our class.

About 20 minutes into class I was desperate, the pressure had been rising and with all the cramps I couldn't hold my bowels anymore. I looked around, but almost no one was paying any attention to me, that wouldn't do Trish set up such a devious plot for me and I wanted to make the most of it. I got up a bit wobbly and desperately announced "I have to go potty!" to the whole class just before I lost control. My pant's filling up in the back and a few gurgling noises made it clear to everyone what had just happened. Some giggles and some shocked gasps filled the classroom as I had to use every bit of self control to not reach between my legs and start masturbating. Trish told the teacher I was probably not feeling well so she would take me to the nurses office, I just went along for now still in a haze of humiliation and arousal. After a short walk Trish guided me into the small room, leaning to my ear she whispered "Okay my little baby, do you want me to clean you up right now or do you want to sit down in your mess first?" my breath hitched "not... not here please change me" at that Trish just pulled out a bag she had obviously placed here before and took off my pants and panties to clean me up.

Now that I was all clean again Trish pulled out a diaper, what made my heart flutter was how cute the prints were, it was not a regular incontinence diaper, it looked like an oversized baby-diaper. Trish smile at my reaction "quite fitting for a big baby like you don't you think?" her teasing tone had me snap, I lunged forward and kissed her, our tongues wrestling as I hugged her... breaking the kiss she panted "not here, we might get caught" now blushing herself. At this I smiled "Okay take me back to class, but tonight I. Want. You!"

"Sure thing babe" Trish just grinned as she took my hand, dragging me back to class in just my top, the diaper on full display.

Authors Note:
Okay this one needs a disclaimer: NEVER do this without consent. I mentioned before how I hate bullies, so unless it's a consensual role-play do not try to shame others, also no public humiliation unless it has been discussed very thoroughly.

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