Four: Flowers

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How is it possible that Tate has never noticed this flower field before? It's so close to the beach. It wasn't a huge field, just a small one full of various flowers. All gorgeous though he could understand why you like it so much. The smell of the flowers mixed with the salty air from the beach making a beautiful scent.

He's been laying in the field for the last twenty minutes. His only thought was of you. How you used to lay in this same field looking at the same sky, smelling the same flowers as him. It made him feel so close to you and that just made him fall more in love with you.

If he closes his eyes he can almost pretend you're lying next to him. Your laugh echoing through the field. As the sun hits you just right giving you a glow that makes you look angelic. A fond smile graces his lips at the thought, but that's all it is. When he opens his eyes you're not there he's in a field alone. He lets out a sigh, getting off the ground and heading home. Before he leaves he grabs a few of the flowers making a quick bouquet for you.

When he got home he went right to his bedroom, hiding the bouquet behind his back. You were laid on his bed reading a book when he walked in. At the sound of the door opening you set your book down, turning your full attention to Tate. You take notice of his hidden hand as he walks closer to you. You're quick to ask what he has behind his back. Getting off the bed you try to peek at what's behind his back. He moves before you can get a look laughing at your attempts. You pout slightly and Tate can't help but find it adorable. Once you calm down a bit he pulls out the flower bouquet holding it right in front of you. "I stopped by the flower field and thought I would bring you back something." The bouquet was stunning, holding all the different flowers from the field. They smelled exactly like you remembered. You could almost picture yourself laying in the field. The thought alone brought a huge smile to your face.

The memories of going to the field flood your head, while tears run down your face. At the sight of your tears Tates face dropped. He went to comfort you right away apologizing for making you cry. You couldn't help but laugh as Tate was frantically trying to figure out what he did wrong. You pulled him into a tight hug thanking him for the gift. When you pull away you give him a light kiss on his lips. As soon as your lips touched his his mind went completely blank and his face turned cherry red. Another giggle left you when you saw his face. He looked absolutely adorable with his face bright red and his lips parted just slightly. You pulled him into you again, wrapping your arms around his neck and pushing your body against his. He seemed to unfreeze at the contact. "I thought I broke you" Your voice was light as your lips grazed his ever so lightly. He wanted to kiss you again; he craved it, yet he couldn't find it in himself to move. "I guess I shouldn't kiss you again." You're only joking but Tate quickly shakes his head no, finally pulling you into him. He grabs the back of your neck pushing your lips against his. The kiss lasts much longer this time. You tangle your hands in his hair while he trails his over your body.

He pulls away first panting for air. Both your faces are flushed while large smiles grace your lips. Tate admits to this being his first kiss making your smile grow more. He quickly turns away feeling embarrassed at his own admission. You turn his head back to you, giving him a light kiss before telling him you're glad to be his first.

The lines blurred after the two of you kissed. Nothing changed after the kiss. The two of you are still only friends, but there is an unspoken change between the two of you. A new normal has formed. Tate has become much more physical with you, always having to have a hand on you. No matter what the two of you are doing he has to be touching you. Whether it be a hand on your thigh or just regular hand holding. You accept his touch every time, never shying away from the affection. Another new thing he's started to do is bringing you flowers. He gets them from a local flower shop on his way home. He started going there after you told him if he keeps picking flowers from the field there'd be none left. Every time he brings you flowers you give him a kiss. None of them last as long as the first one did but he never complains.

He did however start to chase after your lips trying to get the kiss to last just a second longer. It made you laugh the first time he did it. Now though you let him pull you in making the kisses last much longer. It never gets past a kiss though because once it does you can't live in ignorance anymore. You're not ready for that just yet, wanting to live in denial for just a little bit longer. Friends can kiss friends, it's completely normal.

Tate on the other hand can't wait for the day you open your eyes. He'll wait for as long as it takes for you to realize he's in love with you, because that's what you do when you love someone. You love them even if they don't love you back. That's why he's hesitant to confess, what if you reject him. Though he's sure he'll go insane if he has to pretend the two of you are only friends for one more second. So he's going to confess even if it means losing his everything, and he has the perfect way to do it. 

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