Twenty-Eight: Forget Him

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Tate has been much more affectionate since he found out about your past. You had no idea he could be any clinger but he has managed to top himself. Of course you never reject his touches, you love them. You love him, the time you spent without him was torture. Seeing him but not being able to reach out to him to call him drove you insane. Yet when Tate told you how he felt so alone how he started to question himself about what you looked like. You couldn't decide what was worse, both were torturous in their own way.

The same torture you and Tate went through only awhile ago is the same thing Violets going through. She waited the entire night for Tate to show up. The next morning when she woke up she felt exhausted both physically and emotionally. If Tate didn't want to be with her whether that be in a romantic relationship or just friends she didn't want him. At least that's what she told herself. She couldn't help but still think about him, her mind drifting to his dark brown eyes and his poetic words. He's the first boy to pay her romantical attention. The first person to understand her interests even shared her habit of cutting. She didn't want to let go of what might be the only person that ever understands her like that. 'He clearly didn't understand you that well if he left you' she reminds herself.

Getting over Tate is going to be hard, easy it's going to be easy. He's just a jerk that strung her along and when he got a girlfriend he just dumped her. She bets his girlfriend is some ditzy bitch that knows nothing. That's what teenage boys always want, she thought Tate was different but clearly he's not. He's just like everyone else and Violet hates ordinary things. Yes, getting over Tate is going to be simple. He doesn't even go to her school so she won't run into him there. In fact the only place the two of them spent any time together is in her house. Something she doesn't easily overlook since every time she enters her room she half expects Tate to be there. Not that she wants him to show up. If she sees him again she's going to punch him, or maybe just ignore him one of those two.

Violet is dreading going home, sitting in her room makes her miss Tate and talking to her mom just drives her crazy. Ever since the break-in Viviens has been freaking out talking about living in an apartment while they try to sell the house. An idea that didn't last long when Ben told her that they had no money. So Bens been kicked out while Viven is filled with stress about selling the house. Safe to say it's a disaster at home, one she's looking to avoid for as long as she can. That's why she stopped by to see leah. The two of them became sort of friends after the whole basement thing. Leah has told Violet that the devil attacked her and while Violet does her best to not outright call her insane.

"Every time I close my eyes I see that things teeth, I had to start taking pills just to sleep more than two hours a night" she flashed the pill bottle to Violet. An idea popped into Violet's head as soon as she saw the bottle, relief. Lately everythings been overwhelming, She moved across the country, started at a new school where she has no friends and is constantly bullied even if leah stopped people still mess with her. Even at home she can't get a break, her parents always fighting letting her blend into the background, and now Tate the one thing keeping her from breaking forgot all about her. She's asking for the pills, just in case she thinks to herself. 

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