Thirteen: Good Old Days

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Your hands are wrapped tightly against your chest while you bunch up your legs trying to cover as much skin as you can. All while Tate watched with a cocky smirk on his face. You should have known Tate was up to something when he suggested strip cards. Yet you were blinded by the fact you had won the last five games. Though it seemed Tate was just playing you trying to get you in this exact position. With no clothes on but your bra and underwear while he had all his on.

Even with that said you were still playing cards with him determined to at least win one game. You focused on your cards finally winning a game since you started to strip. Tate removed his shirt at your victory giving you a bright smile as he did. Your eyes quickly darted at the newly revealed skin. Having finally won a game you felt more confident so you played another game.

Unfortunately you lost again so now you have to remove another piece of clothing. You looked up at Tate surely he wasn't going to make you remove your bra but the look in his eyes told he was. You reached behind your back your hands easily finding the clasp. Before you removed your bra you locked eyes with Tate, his name falling from your lips in plea to let you off.

Tate had been trying to cover his boner the moment you took off your top. He hadn't even expected you to say yes to playing let alone continue playing after you only had your underwear and bra on. Now the thought of you taking off your bra has him ready to explode but he's able to barely contain himself but when he hears you say his name. In that soft way only you can combine with the way you're looking up at him he can't hold himself back anymore. He has to have you right now. He crawled over to you pushing you against the hardwood floors. There was only a few inches between the two of you. His eyes were studying your lips before flashing to your eyes asking for permission. The kiss was filled with so much passion.

That day feels like it happened forever ago. You've begun to wonder if you made it all up. Tate is a completely different person than the one from that day. You barely recognize him now.

Lately you've noticed him staring off and every time you ask him about it he just shakes his head saying nothing. He's started to cut himself again and you can tell he's using drugs again. He denies all of it of course but with how he flinches from your touch and how he's hiding his wrist from you contradicts his statements. Add to that when you went to confirm your suspicions you found he had moved the black box. That's what really confirmed it for you.

You even knew the exact reason he started relapsing. HIs brother Beau died and Tates was a thousand percent sure that his mothers boyfriend murdered him. It absolutely destroyed him when he found out. Even more so when he confronted his mother and she denied all accusations sticking to her story that he died in his sleep.

The night he confronted her was still fresh in your mind. He came storming into his room after dinner. Completely ignoring you, heading straight to his bed. Pulling out his headphones and blasting music. HIs cries echoed through the room. You spooned him from behind, holding him close to you.

He was so sad that night. Now though he seems numb to everything. You've tried everything to get him to open up to you but nothing seems to work. He just keeps pushing you further away from him. All you want to do is help him but he just keeps shoving you away and quite frankly you're growing tired of it. How much can one person take? The only thing keeping you going was the love you have for him, but love can only get you so far.

Tate has come back from another stressful day at school before he even entered his room he stopped by the bathroom setting up a line. He's been finding it increasingly hard to be around you lately. All you do now is pester him every time he sees you. He loves you but you're suffocating him.

Todays no different of course he enters his bedroom bracing himself for your inevitable pestering. Yet today it doesn't come instead he's greeted with a completely empty. There's no sign of you but instead of looking for you he makes himself comfortable in his bed. He might as well enjoy the time he has without your piercing voice making his ears hurt.

How wrong he was though. You were sat in the flower field one of Tates books in your hands. It was a library book yet he had written little images in the margins. You found yourself drawing little ones adding to his. It's the closest you felt to your Tate then you had in ages. You knew Tate should be home by now yet he was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't looking for you. It just made your heart ache more your not sure how much more your heart can take. You know you should protect your heart that you should go down this road with Tate. Yet you also know you couldn't survive without Tate so you'll gladly let him shatter your heart.

The sun had already set and still Tate didn't come to look for you. Your Tates gone, you know it but you can't admit it to yourself. You continue to lay in the field hoping that he'll come for you. Even if the stars are out you'll wait all night.

When you still hadn't shown yourself even after the sun set he decided to finally look for you. He headed straight for the flower field. Figuring if you weren't in his room you'd be there, and that's exactly where he found you. You're spread out in the grass, your eyes closed at the sounds of steps your head pops up. You can't help the smile comes on your face at the sight of him. He came. You quickly got out of the field running over to him.

Just for a moment you wanted to pretend everything's okay between the two of you. Your arms are wrapped tightly around him. You could almost bring yourself back to that day. The day your Tate planted a whole flower field just to see a smile on your face. Why did things have to get so complicated?

Little did the two of you know that would be Tates and yours last moment together before everything changed.

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