Eleven: Halloween

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There's a cold chill in the air and the leaves are turning orange, all signs that Halloween is near. You've always loved this time of year almost everyday it rains leaving the town damp. The smell of rain was always in the air. Halloween has only become more important since you died. It's the only time of year that you can leave this dreadful house. Over the years you come into a routine every Halloween as soon as the sun comes up your out the door. You walk around the town seeing what's changed and then spending the rest of your time in the flower field.

This year though it was special you had Tate and after everything that happened between the two of you, time away from the house is just what you needed. You had so many ideas for the day. Wanting to cram as many date ideas as you possibly can into one day.

You have yet to tell Tate about your plans wanting to surprise him. you can only picture the look on his face when he finds out. Your plan is to tell him the night before so the two of you can do a little planning, but for the most part you want to take charge. Keeping the secret from Tate was going to be harder than you thought, especially when he came back from school looking absolutely defeated. You could tell something is wrong with him right away. He doesn't look at you right away waiting till he is in front of you to finally look up at you. His eyes are red like he had been crying for hours and his hair was a mess (well more than usual). He fell into your arms pushing you against the bed. He broke down in tears sobbing on your shoulder. You had no idea what had happened with him but it worked him up.

"I want to cut myself" you almost don't hear him his voice hoarse from crying. It's been a while since he's been thinking about cutting himself. That was a horrible time, helping Tate get clean and trying to help him with his depression. You knew Tate wasn't magically but you thought he was getting better. Now though he was thinking of cutting again and it broke your heart. You had to look on the bright side he wasn't doing it he was just thinking about it. He came to you instead. He's getting better. You held onto that thought while you listened to him talk about his day.

Apparently one of his teachers lectured him in front of everyone and gave him detention for forgetting his homework. Tate was actually a good student lately though he's been letting his school work slip. Then after school he came home and his mother was drunk and decided to take her anger at the world on Tate. leading him to this position in your arms crying.

He calmed down a little now he was just breathing heavily now. You decide to tell Tate about your plans for Halloween. Maybe it'll help his mood, give him something to look forward to. "Tate, I've been thinking we should go on a date" He just nodded against you. "We should do it on Halloween" He nodded again before lifting his head locking eyes with you.

"We can do a horror movie marathon" you could see the excitement in his tired eyes. He has a sweet smile on his face as he looks at you. It's sweet he's so excited about watching horror movies with you even though the two of you do it so often.

You run your hands through his hair leaning up and placing a kiss to his lips. He lets out a deep sigh falling against your chest again. His breathing had slowed down; you could tell he was close to falling asleep. You wanted to tell him before he got any more tired. "Actually I was thinking you could take me to the beach" It took Tate a moment to process your words but when he did his head popped up and he was staring at you utterly confused. He stared at you for a moment looking for any hint of you kidding. He immediately questioned what you meant.

You explained to him that every year on Halloween you're able to leave the house. Tates mood completely changed at the news he had a large smile on his face. Before he got even more excited than he was already he asked you again making sure you were a hundred percent certain. Once he knew you were being completely serious he began planning everything the two of you can do.

Halloween couldn't come soon enough. Both you and Tate couldn't wait for Halloween. He's been coming up with so many ideas for your date. The two of you had planned the whole day down to the last minute. There was one detail he was keeping to himself. He's planning to get the two of you costumes. He already had them picked out; both of them are from horror movies. He's going dressed as Micheal Myers, one of your top favorite horror movie characters. Your other one being penny-wise so when he saw the clown costume he had to get it. Tate has always enjoyed Halloween but this year in particular he was very excited.

The day of Halloween the two of you woke up at the crack of dawn. You want to spend as much time as you can out of the house. Tate surprised you with your costume after your shower. He handed you the costume along with a pair of heels, you could tell he put a lot of effort into putting this costume together.

You got dressed in the bathroom. The costume consisted of a yellow dress with blue puffy sleeves. There's three orange puff balls trailing down the front of the dress. The outfit came with white tights as well. The outfit itself matches up with the original well it was just skimpier. You didn't have to guess why Tate chose this dress. Once you were dressed you started on your makeup. A white face with a bright red nose and red lips to match. Tate was getting ready in the other room he wanted to surprise you with his outfit.

You were putting the final touches of your makeup on when Tate snuck up behind you. He placed the fake knife against your neck making you jump. You tilt your head up at him your eyes lighting up at the sight of him dressed in his Micheal Myers costume. You loved Micheal Myers. He was one of your favorite horror characters so to see your boyfriend dressed like him sent a warm feeling through you. "Your lucky I didn't mess up my makeup." He just smiled at you pulling you up into a standing position so he can wrap his arms around you. "I'm really liking this costume especially this mask" You reach under his mask pulling the material up just enough to show his lips. Where you place a deep kiss on his lips. He moves to deepen it but you pull away before he can ruin your makeup. You can see he already has some of your white and red face paint on him. You wipe his face while he tells you he loves your costume.

You already knew this Halloween was going to be a great one that ended in kinky sex.

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