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"Banksy!" I turn my head and I see Charlie. "Hey Charlie!" I say. "First day of senior year!" Charlie grins. I've never seen Charlie this excited for the first day of school. Or school in general. "Ya! Can't believe it! It feels like just yesterday you and some of the other guys came in to the auditorium on your rollerblades!" I chuckle. "That was fun!" Charlie chuckles. "How was travelling?" He asks. "It was alright!" I state as I open my locker. "What did you get up too?" Charlie leans against the lockers beside mine. "Looked around in different cities, took a look at some universities, slept." I tell him. "You've already started looking at universities?" Charlie is shocked. "Ya. I want to start looking and apply. And I want to try and get a hockey scholarship so I want to see which one has the best hockey team." I explain. "Which schools?" "Harvard, Yale, Princeton, UPenn." I shrug. "Adam, those are good schools." "Ivy League." I state with a grin. "Good luck man." Charlie tells me. "Thanks, I'll need it!" I look at him.


"Hey guys there's a new girl in our grade!" Goldberg sits down at our lunch table and tells us. "What's her name?" Fulton asks. "Kennedy Greer." Goldberg states. "She sounds hot!" Averman states. I roll my eyes. "What's up Adam? What's with the eye roll?" Connie asks. "Just Averman's comment." I shrug. "What's with my comment?" He looks at me. "You can't tell a girls looks by the way her name sounds." I tell all of them. "He's right guys." Connie agrees with me.

We all talk and finish eating our lunches before we head to our next classes.


"You must be Kennedy Greer." Mrs. Rodgers says as a girl walks into the room. "Yes!" I hear the girl say. I look up from my textbook and look at her. "Welcome to grade 12 Biology!" Mrs. Rodgers smiles and gives her a textbook. "You can be lab partners with Adam!" She says and shows Kennedy in my direction. "Thank you!" Kennedy grins and walks towards the lab desk I'm sitting at.

"Hi!" She grins as she sits down. "Hey, I'm Adam!" I grin. "Kennedy!" She grins back. "How do you like Eden hall so far?" I ask. "It's not bad. An adjustment I'll have to get use too!" She chuckles. "Well if you have any questions, you can ask me!" I tell her with a grin. "Thanks Adam!" She grins back.

The bell rings and Mrs. Rogers starts class.

Kennedy is very good looking. I didn't want to judge a person based off their name, but she is very good looking. She also seems like a very nice girl too.


"Adam!" Charlie says as he approaches me. "Hey man!" I say as I put books in my locker. "I heard that you're partners with the new girl in Biology." "I am!" "What's she like?" He asks. "She's nice, funny, smart." I tell him. "Think she'll go out with me?" He asks. "Charlie didn't you and Linda just break up?" I look over at him and ask. "Ya. We were just disagreeing a lot." Charlie shrugs. "Maybe wait a little before you go to the next girl." I tell him. "Ya maybe!" He sighs and leans against the lockers. "Are you interested in anyone?" He looks over at me and asks. "Not at the moment." I state. "Still getting over Amanda?" "Nope." I say quickly.

Amanda and I dated for a year and a half. We broke up in the summer. She cheated on me with a guy on varsity. I'm not looking for anything right now. I just want to focus on my senior year and hockey.

"Maybe you should sleep with someone to get over her." Charlie grins. "Charlie you know I'm not like that!" I tell him. "I know. I just wanted to see what you would say!" Charlie chuckles and walks off to his next class.

"Banksy!" I hear as I'm walking down the hall. "Hey Fulton." I say as he catches up to me. "I got put in academic algebra, I can't do academic algebra, and they won't switch me out. Can you help me this semester with it?" He asks me. "Ya why not!" I shrug.

The two of us walk into algebra and I see Kennedy is in this class. I sit at the empty table behind her.

"Hey Adam!" I hear her say as she continues to write in her notebook. "Hey Kennedy. This is Fulton." I introduce the two. "Nice to meet you!" Kennedy turns around and says. "Averman was right. She is-" I cover Fulton mouth with my hand before he can say anything else. "Averman, he's the one with the glass, brown kinda curly hair and makes, awkward, comments?" She asks us. "That's Averman!" Fulton says as we both chuckle. "He's in my English class. He's quite the character." Kennedy states. "You got that right!" Fulton agrees with her. "He means well." I tell her. "Well that's good!" She grins at me.

"Okay class!" Mr. Peters comes in and says as the bell rings. Kennedy turns around.

"You're blushing a little Banksy." Fulton leans over and tells me. "Shut up Fulton." I say back.

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