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"Morning Adam!" Holly says as I walk into the kitchen. "Morning!" I grin as I sit beside Kennedy at the kitchen table. "How was your sleep?" She looks over at me and asks. "It was good! How was yours?" I ask. "Good!" She grins.

"For breakfast Adam we have cereal, fruit, I can make eggs, pancakes, waffles!" Holly offers. "Cereal is fine!" I tell her with a grin. "Can you grab the cereal Kenny?" Holly asks. "Ya!" She nods and gets up.

Kennedy gets out cheerios, mini wheats, lucky charms and Rice Krispies. "What one would you like?" She asks. "Rice Krispies please!" I grin. Kennedy grins as well and grabs a bowl and milk for me. "Thank you!" I smile and put my cereal. "What are you having?" I look over at her and asks. "I already ate." She states. "What did you have?" "I just cut up fruit in a bowl and had it." She shrugs. "Good breakfast!" I grin as I take a bite of cereal. "Thanks!" She chuckles.


Kennedy and I walk into school together and we stop at her locker with her.

"Your mom is very nice!" I tell her. "She likes you Adam!" "I'm glad she does." I state. "How's your dad? Have you talked to him?" I ask. "Haven't talked. We aren't sure where he got stationed. He writes to us though and we write him back." She explains. "At least you have contact with him!" I grin at her. "I'm glad we do!" She grins as she shuts her locker and leans against them.

I can't help but look at her and smile. She's so beautiful.

"Can I help you?" Kennedy asks. "You're just beautiful!" I tell her with a grin. "Thank you!" She grins at me. "I got to go to my locker. I will see you after!" I grin at her as I kiss her forehead and walk to my locker.

"You're staying at Kennedy's?" Charlie asks as he gets to my locker. "I am. Just for a little while." I tell him. "How come?" He questions. "Cause my dad and I got in an argument and Kennedy's mom offered me to stay at there house for a little." I explain. "How long are you going to stay?" "I don't know Charlie. A few days. A week maybe. Not sure!" I say as I shut my locker and walk down the hall.

"Are you two sleeping together in the same bed?" Charlie asks as he follows me. "Charlie, I'm staying at her house with her mom. Of course we aren't sleeping in the same bed." I tell him. "Why not?" He smirks. "Charlie, we aren't dating. And I'm not sleeping with her when her mom is in the same house!" I tell him. "Okay. But it'll happen one day!" Charlie tells me and walks away.

I roll my eyes and keep walking. Charlie is my best friend and but all he thinks about is sec sometimes. Typical guy and typical Charlie.


Kennedy and I are sitting in her living room watching tv. We finished our homework and we are just waiting for her mom to come home from work.

"Mom just texted me and she has to work late. She told me to order a pizza." Kennedy tells me. "Okay!" I tell her with a grin. "What kind of pizza do you like?" She asks me. "I'm good with anything. As long as there's no pineapples on it!" I chuckle. "I agree!" She smiles at me. "I'll older classic pepperoni!" Kennedy states and gets up to go call them.


It's been a while since we ate supper and Kennedy and I are laying on the couch watching a movie. Her mom still isn't home yet.

"Kennedy!" I say as I look over at her. "Ya?" She says. "You haven't shown me your room yet!" I tell her. "You really want to see my room?" She asks me. "Ya! You've seen mine. So it's only fair that I see yours!" I state. "Come with me!" She says and starts to walk upstairs. I follow her up there.

"This is my room!" She states as she opens the door. Her room is so nice and organized. Mine isn't a mess, but it's also not organized. She has nice light blue walls, a Minnesota Wild jersey hanging on the wall, some hockey pictures on the walls and she has a few jerseys on a chair too. She has a desk in her room as well.

"Looks nice!" I grin. "Thank you!" She states. "A lot cleaner than mine!" I chuckle. "Ya, your room can get pretty messy!" She laughs. "I'm a 17 year old boy! Of course it will be messy!" I tell her. "And I'm a 17 year old girl, you don't see my room a mess!" She grins. "Ya, but girls are usually more organized than guys!" I tell her. "Not always!" "Ya, I guess your right!" I grin as I walk towards her. "Now girls are usually more right over guys!" Kennedy grins at me. "Your funny!" I fake laugh and lean down to kiss her.

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