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I walk up to Kennedy's front door and take a deep breath before I knock on it.

"Hi Adam!" Her mom says when she opens the door. "Hi Mrs. Greer." I grin. "Adam, you can call me Holly!" She tells me. "Okay!" I grin. "Come in, Kennedy shouldn't be too much longer!" She invites me in and then shuts the door.

"Congrats on the first win!" She tells me. "Thank you! I'm glad we win!" I state. "You had a great goal!" "Thank you! I'm glad I was able to score in the first game of the season! Kennedy played amazing!" I grin. "She did. She is a very good goalie!" She states.

"Hey Adam!" Kennedy says as she walks down the stairs. She looks amazing. "Hey!" I smile at her. "Ready?" She grins. "Ya!" I nod. "Let's go! I'll see you after mom!" Kennedy says as we walk out of the door. "Bye Holly!" I say before I close the door.

"You look beautiful!" I tell her. "Thank you! You don't look too bad yourself!" She smiles at me. I go and open the car door for her. It's a nice thing I can do for her. "Why thank you!" She says as she gets in. I grin as I walk over to my side.

"So, what movie are we going to see?" She asks me. "Well, I was thinking '50 First Dates'. Since it's our first date!" I quickly glance over at her. "Okay! I've heard good things about the movie!" She tells me. "So have I!" I grin as I keep driving.

The two of us keep talking as we go to the theatre. It's a pretty quick drive from her house to the theatre. Probably like 10 minutes.

I go over and open her door so she can get out. I want to try and be a gentleman tonight.

"Thank you!" She grins as she gets out. "Of course!" I grin as we start to walk to the main doors. As we're walking, I grab her hand to hold. I feel her interlock her fingers with mine and I can't help but smile.

"2 for '50 First Dates' please." I tell the guy at the cash. "That will be $15.00." He tells me. I give him the money and he gives me the tickets. "Thank you!" Kennedy and I both say.

"Want some popcorn?" I ask her. "A movie isn't a movie without snacks!" She tells me. "That's very true Kenny!" I grin down at her. I see her smile and I kiss her forehead. She grabs a medium and we both walk over to her a drink. "Good choice!" I tell her as she grabs a sprite. I grab one too. "Right!" She cheers. I chuckle and we go pay. I hand the person money before Kennedy tries too.

"Adam, you don't have to pay for everything!" She tells me. "I don't have to, but I want to!" I tell her. "Whatever you say, Banksy!" She says.

We walk into the theatre and we sit in the middle row. The movie isn't too full. People are pretty spread out. The two of us get settled in our seats and I see Luis walk up the stairs with a random girl. He nods over to me and I nod back.

"Was that Luis?" Kennedy asks me. "Ya!" I grin. "Does he just go from girl to girl to girl?" "Pretty much! I'm glad I got you when I did!" I tell her as I look at her. "I'm glad too!" She grins. The two of us smile before we look back at the movie starting to play.


It's halfway through the movie and Kennedy places her head on my shoulder. I move my arm and place it around her and pull her closer to me.

I turn my head back a little and I see Luis a few rows back. I see tell me to kiss her. I don't know if I should or not. I'm not sure if she wants me too. I shrug a little. He tells me to go ahead and do it.

Kennedy looks up at me and grins. I grin back down at her. "Do you like the movie?" I whisper. "I do, do you?" She whisper back. "Ya!" I nod. Kennedy smiles and me and I go ahead and kiss her. Kennedy kisses me back and we kiss a little more before we look back at the movie. I grin and place my arm back around her.


The movie was over a little bit ago, now Kennedy and I are walking around the park, holding hands.

"Did you enjoy the movie?" I ask her. "I did! Thank you for paying for the tickets and the snacks!" "Of course Kenny!" "Did you enjoy it?" She asks. "Ya! It was a good movie to watch for a first date." I chuckle a little. "I agree Banksy!" She chuckles.

"Want to have a seat?" I ask her as we approach a bench. "Okay!" She says as she grabs my hands and leads me to the bench.

"You're so beautiful!" I tell her as I look at her. "Thank you Adam! You're very handsome!" I grin and lean down to kiss her. Kennedy kisses me back. I place my hand on her cheek as we keep kissing.


"Adam." My dad calls me. I take my shoes off and walk into the kitchen. "Adam, you remember Lawrence and Diane Carter!" My dad says. "I do. Nice to see you again!" I grin. "You too Adam , you've gotten so big!" Diane tells me with a smile. "Ya, I guess I hit a growth spurt!" I fake chuckle. "How's hockey?" Lawrence asks. "Good. We won our first game." I tell him. "Good! And goals? Are you getting many?" He asks. "Well I got one goal in our first game." "Good. And girls?" I'm trying not to roll my eyes. My parents friends always ask me about girls. "He just got back with a girl. On a date!" Mom grins. "A nice lady? Is she smart?" Lawrence asks me. I may as well sit down and talk with them.

My GirlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon