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-Hours earlier-

I stepped into the building letting the warm atmosphere take over my body. I gripped on tightly to the flowers as I headed over to the nurse's desk.

She raised her eyebrow at me in surprise. "Hello Mr. Caswell."

I gave her a smile signing my name into the visitors pad. I could feel her eyes watching as I signed into the signing sheet.

"Oh she's gonna love those."

"You think?"

"Of course."

"She just outside in the garden, I believe she's having her tea time." she giggled.

I thanked her and walked myself down towards the garden area. There she was sitting in her chair watching the flowers dance in the garden.

I walked from behind her, it's almost as if she could smell when I was near. It was like the smell of me brought her so much, anxiety, anger, and maybe even disappointment.

"I brought you your favorite." I said carefully placing the lilacs into into her lap.

"They are not my favorite anymore."


"I am not your mother- don't do not call me that!" Her voice quivered as she got hostile with me.

Things with us haven't been the same since, I've hurt him. I furrowed my eyebrows as we sat there in silence. She acted as if I didn't exist.

As if I wasn't the person paying for her whole stay here.

"You're never gonna let that go, huh?" I scoffed.

I watched as she brought her hands up to her forearms. As if she was getting cold.

"I did it for you. He fucking hurt y-"

"Stop it!"

I bit at my lip, I bit it so hard it's almost as if I could taste the blood from it. I went in front of her, letting her see me.

She closed her as if she tasted something awful.

"You can't even fucking look at me."

"You're vile Anthony, you're a very very horrible person." she says with a whisper.

"I was trying to protect you!"

"What you did was wrong. And it didn't make it any bet-"

"So him beating on you day and night made it better for you."

Her eyes opened she glared at me for a while, until I realized how wrong of that was for me to say.

"You know I didn't mean it lik-"

Her eyes squinted at me, "Don't you ever bring that up."

"It's the truth. He deserved what happened to him. And if weren't so idiotic you'd realize it to."

A hard slapp came across my face, making me regret my choice of word. I hissed lowly at the stinging pain it caused.

"You're just like him! Everytime I see you, you're just like him! You're not the baby I raised!"


"No no you stop it! You're a murder and you need to be in jail!"

I could see a nurse watching in on the commotion that was happening. She notified the other nurses about my mother's outburst.

"Calm down-"

"You don't get to tell me to calm down! You don't get to tell me what to do anymore!"

She grabbed her cane that was near the side of her chair, she started swatting it at me.

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