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I wasn't happy with everything in my life but i felt like i was able to breathe, However, i somehow still felt stuck, felt attach to Anthony. I didn't know much about pregnancy but Meredith made sure to educate me on it. It so crazy to think it's been a week since i've been home, i'm not due yet. But i'm so afraid for that time to come.

Even though my father and aren't in speaking terms, he still talks to me here and there. I haven't decided on what i wanted to do after i have the baby. But that was the least of my worries, i was worried that he would try to get me back. I keep having nightmares about him, he's in my dreams. He's unfortunately all i think about.


Sean laughed as he slid the hot fudge sundae in front of me, i'd be lying if i said i didn't want it, and it wasn't all i've been craving for on the drive here. He's made life bearable, him, Meredith, and Myra, and even Josh. Even though i've only seen him through calls.



I looked up at Sean, his eyes smiled at mine as we busted into laughter, he's been brighter and our time together made me realize that. He reached out for my hand, i shyly gave it to him. I wasn't completely comfortable with showing him affection, but i was getting around to it.

"I've actually had something that i've been wanting to give you, ever since we started ya know-" he shrugged silently smiling to himself.

I shook my head, covering my mouth as i came to a hard piece of chocolate, "No no you're presence right now is just enough for me.."

He smiled as he pulled the small box from his pocket, i shut my eyes refusing to look. He laughed at my stubbornness. He got from up his chair, "Lift your hair up.." he muttered.

I silently obeyed and felt as the small dainty necklace touched around my neck. He quickly sat back down in front of me to eye how it looked on me. He slightly tiled his head downwards, before smiling again.

"It looks beautiful on you, it's your favorite color...i was supposed to give it to you a while ago. Today was just perfect timing."

I touched softly around my neck feeling the small flower charm, i smiled as he passed me his phone to see it, it was beautiful and the sweetest thing he's ever done. There's plenty of sweet things he's done but this was the highlight of it.

"You didn't have to.."

"But i wanted to..i'm serious about you Valerie..i really am."

I could feel my face redden and it started to feel like 1000 degrees in this ice cream shop. I raised my hand to my racing heart before leaning over and placing a gentle kiss on his soft lips.
"'re the best thing..that has ever happened to me..."

"I should be saying that to you my love."


After our ice-cream date Sean drove me home, our date was nice and i wanted to spend so much more time with him, but i needed to get ready for my ultra sound appointment. He wanted so badly to come with but, i just wanted it to be me. I don't want him to feel like he has to be there. I mean after all, it wasn't his, and i'd feel guilty for him showing up and it was just a lot to think about.

I looked over at Sean quickly glanced back at me, rubbing his hand on my thigh, this felt nice like pure bliss. But i know that i had to tell him. I had to tell someone. I grabbed his hand and kissed it giving it a little squeeze.

"What was that for?"

"For just..for being so good to me.."

He slightly turned his face where i couldn't see him blushing, but i knew he was. I took in a deep breath, before slowly blowing it out.

"Sean..i want to tell you something..something that involves why i was away for so long..i didn't run away from my problems, it may seem like that but it wasn't..i didn't do anything for attention either..I was just stupid and dumb an-"

"You're not either one of those things Valerie.."

I harshly shallowed at my choice of words. After sometime of driving, he parked as i suggested so i could tell him the rest without him reacting in a way that may be concerning.

"I'm listening to you all the way.."

"Do you remember him.." my eyes started to flutter with tears.

He knew, he shook his head, "He..he was the were away.."

"He hurt me Sean..he's the reason why i'm pregnant, he's the reason why i was away..he took me from my home..he..held me against my own will.." i shuddered after finally hearing myself say it.

Sean wrapped me closely to him, barracking me in his chest. I could hear his heart racing fast, i knew he was silently dealing with his frustration right now. I was afraid to even look up at him i didn't wanna feel the guilt.

"Valerie..i'll fucking kill him for whatever he's done to you..i swear!" he says repeatedly with a raised voice.

I grabbed at his hands looking into his cold gaze, " Sean. You're the only one i've told." i mutter into his chest.

"Let's go to the police..right now..we can let them know about the club, give them a description of him!"

"Sean..i- i- can't- i don't know if they're gonna believe me.." i say staring down at my bulging stomach.

"You have to have were held against your own will..they can't let him or anyone involved get away with that! He deserves to rot.."

I felt my stomach turn as he said that.

-Anthony pov-

I blew my cigarette out against the Ryland's cold skin, his time was up. I no longer needed his assistance anymore. I hummed as dragged his raggedy body against the floor, he didn't need to be carried.

I had a few ideas in mind for how Ryland's funeral should play out but then again Meredith should have something to remember her son by. Even if it his hand, or toe, or maybe his ugly face that only she would love.

I heard Dosse come down the steps, gagging at the smell of raw flesh and blood, she covered at her mouth once she saw the bloody sight in front of her.

"What the fuck did you do!"

"What my baby sister should have done a long time ago." i saw throwing the chuck of Ryland's arm in front of her.

She shut her eyes tightly, i scoffed you think she'd appreciate more of my art.

"I'm starting to wrong with you..where the fuck are you getting this shit..shit where the fuck did you even pick this up from!"

"We'll if you must know, my dad use to work on a farm-" I grunted as i ripped apart one of his long intestines. "A pig can learn a lot from craving pigs.."

"Oh god how grateful i am for Henry.."

"Ehh same..he's resourceful.."

Dosse moved closer to get a better look at Ryland..or what was left of him. Then looked up at me she crossed her arms and shuddered. "So what's next?"

i wiped at the sweat that dripped from my forehead, then took of the dirty hand gloves tossing them on what's left of him. I shrugged taking another cigar out of my pack.

"I've been missing the love of my life lately, so i would surely love to pay her a visit."

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