timer clocks

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The cold gel that glazed over my stomach made me shiver. I tried not to stare at the screen as much but i couldn't help it. I just wanted to see him..even though i know i shouldn't get attached. Meredith squeezed my shoulder as the doctor showed us the baby's feet.

She was great support, my father and his wife decided on waiting outside. I'm glad they did because i didn't want them to ruin a private moment for me. We all giggled as we saw the baby's big head pop in the screen.

"Aw little guy loves his screen time.." the doctor joked.

The doctor gave me the news and informed me that soon i would be i
entering my second trimester, she gave me mild instructions on what to expect that would be completely normal. She handed me the photos of him, i looked at them for a while before giving them to Meredith to look at.

She was excited about them, after thanking the doctor we rounded up back with my father and his wife. They had no questions or concerns. It just looked as if they were displeased with even being there.

We departed, i felt like i was obligated to apologize, for disappointing my father but i don't know, he just doesn't understand. I know he wouldn't understand any of it. I had told them before i needed some time before coming to live with them. The more i got closer to Meredith the more i knew about her, she worked in a young woman's youth group, for trouble women. And that her eldest daughter died from leukemia.

She was very accepting of me, and treated me as her own. During our car ride she could tell something was bothering me, she decided to pull in front of her favorite places.

"It's just a place i take myself when i'm feeling down. You look like you could use a girls treat day." she said rubbing my hand softly.

I smiled, we both got out the car and entering the pink sparkly palace. She beamed up as she chatted with the lady at the desk. I stood still and looked as elderly, younger, women of all types walking around laughing in robes and slippers. Everything smelled fresh, and there was even a little beauty parlor in here.

Meredith then walked over to me along with a friend, i assumed she was gonna introduce me to. The lady smiled brightly at me, "Valerie, your welcomed to whatever you like, everything is on us for today. "

"This is my good friend Penelope, we've been friends since high school, and sometimes she gives me free girl treat days. And today i want you to have it." Meredith squealed.

They both linked arms around me and guiding me to the changing room. I went into one of the spaces to change into the comfy robe i was given by one of the people handing them around. I felt serotonin for the being here. I didn't want this moment to ever end, i wanted to remain in paradise.

-Anthony pov-

The nightly sky looked over the house i've shared with my family, the house that remained secreted from any outside family we had. My dad and his dad along with my uncles fixed it up for my mom as a wedding gift. They knew she wanted to live somewhere where society norms wouldn't project hurt onto her children, and also to get away from her crazy mother.

Whenever i finally took my medication i knew it was because i reached a breaking point, i took a deep breathe before entering my home, before i ran errands i had cleaned and re-organized quite a lot of the house, filling the refrigerator with plenty of things she could eat.

I rubbed at my eyes before plopping down and resting my head on the couch, i felt more tired than usual and i just couldn't keep my eyes open. I heard a small giggle and then her figure against my body. And then her soft lips collide with mine followed with a small moan after. She kissed at my neck making my eyes flutter open. I looked down at her, confused, she wasn't real. But she felt so real.

"Cmon wake up she's asleep.."


She trailed my arm with her hand before removing herself from the couch and strutting to the kitchen. The sweet sweet candy like perfume she used to wear waffled around my nose. I was felt frozen to the couch, and i didn't know weather to engage with her or not. I could feel a strange pain in my chest as i held it.

Her hands massaged at my shoulders and she placed a kiss on my cheek, that kiss felt deadly. Candy leaned her head against mine as i remained there. Just silent.

"I never wanted things to turn out this way.." she whispered into my ear, i could feel the warmth from the palm of of her hand rub at my neck.

"You only did it to yourself..i never forced you to.." i muttered trying to gain control, conscious, feeling anything i could in my hands. I felt like i was struggling.

"You're paralyzed.." she smirked in front of me with her arms crossed, reading my mind. My eyes glued to her, she was short and made me feel small in that moment she laid eyes on me.

She's fucking with me.

Her eyes lowered as the grinned plastered on her face widened. She touched at her long brown hair and giggled at her self for a minute. "Amelia, bring mommy your favorite toy.."

My eyes dotted around the room, i could feel the hot stinging presence of her, my unborn child. My- her little girl. She stood before me with her mother, staring into my soul with her evil eyes.

"Say hello to your father.." she says taking the sharp machete from her hands, the little girl oddly smiled at me waving.

"She's nonverbal, but you know what makes my baby happy.." she hiked up the machete swinging it down towards my upper leg area. I could feel the sharp pain of the blade cute through my skin, instead of reacting the way i should, my body still remain still, but the hurt still pained me.

The little girl grew with excitement at the sight of me wincing and holding to keep it together, her body overwhelmed with all the joy that went through her as Candy brought the knife up to the ceiling.


She handed it back to Amelia, who lunged the machete at my chest it felt like she was trying to write on my body. My face scrunched up, i couldn't feel my hands. I wanted my power back. I needed it back.

"You're useless.." she laughed she roughly took ahold of my face, puncturing her fingernails into my cheeks as i winced in pain.

"No wonder why you're mother hates you."


"Shh..shh..because you shouldn't say things you don't mean." the coldness of the blade pressed against my neck.

This isn't my Candy she would never do this to me. But would i be lying to myself if i didn't say i deserved it, for everything a put her through. Maybe she needed to ruin me. I looked up at her my pain faded.


"Nice try babe.."

I could feel the sharp pain, it came from my upper chin, my hands jolted up from my sides holding onto my chin and neck. Blood immediately started to emerge from that area i tried to apply pressure but i could feel myself slowly slipping away from here.

From her.

She won this time. I'll let her have it.

But Candy was wrong about me being useless, it always been her. She had the easy way out after all.

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