Chapter Four

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I woke up the next morning not having a single clue where I was. I sat up in the bed and looked over to see Eddie next to me, sound asleep. Oh, God. What happened last night? I slowly got out of the bed so as to not wake Eddie and found my way into the sitting room at the front of the trailer. Everyone was passed out. Jonathan and Nancy were spooning on the couch. Steve was on the floor, but no sign of Robin. I rubbed my eyes as I made my way into the kitchen where Robin was leaning against the counter and looking at her phone. She would  be the first one awake.

"Well, good morning." Robin greeted me. "Have a good night last night?"

I scratched my head. "Dude, I don't remember a single thing from last night after we did our cheers and Steve getting me my second drink."

"You really are a lightweight, huh?" Robin poked at me.

I rolled my eyes. "That drink Steve made me was strong, and all you had was beer last night. Do you remember what happened? I just woke up next to Eddie in his bed and I would love to know how I even got there."

Robin clasped her hand over her now gaping mouth. "You ended up in bed with Eddie?! I was wondering where you were 'cause you weren't in the sitting room with the rest of us when we all finally passed out last night."

"You didn't see me go somewhere with Eddie?" I asked.

"I mean, I did see you go somewhere with Eddie but I didn't know where you guys had run off to. Plus, I know Eddie wouldn't do anything so I figured you would be fine. Never did I expect you would end up in the same bed as him!" Robin exclaimed.

I rubbed my forehead as the hangover began to get worse. "Robin, please. Just tell me all that you know about what happened last night."

Robin motioned to the small kitchen table at the other side of the room and we sat down across from each other. Robin handed me some water and began to recap the night:

"After we all did our cheers, Steve got you and himself another death concoction that he made which you said you remembered happening and I could tell you were getting pretty drunk but I didn't think it was that bad. Eddie thought it would be fun to have a bonfire outside so we all went outside and sat around a fire for a bit. Steve, Eddie and Jonathan passed a joint around while you, me and Nance sat together cuddled up under a blanket. You were staring, hard, at Eddie from across the fire and I saw him motion you over to him. You got up and went over to him and pretty much fell into his lap. He held you though, and it was pretty cute. After a few minutes of you sitting on top of Eddie, you guys got up and went back into the trailer. I have no idea what happened with you and Eddie after that. The rest of us took our guesses as to what was going on between you two. Steve and Jonathan said stuff that I won't repeat. But, I didn't see you or Eddie the rest of the night and figured Eddie would bring you out to the sitting room to put you to bed. But I guess he put you to bed in his room instead."

I sat staring at the table in front of me, gripping the glass of water in both hands. "You really have no idea what happened between me and Eddie after we went inside alone? You didn't hear us doing anything or...?" I trailed off.

"I'm sorry, Cas. Whatever happened between you and Eddie only Eddie knows and that's if he even remembers anything from last night either." Robin said.

My mind was reeling. I really liked Eddie and I just hoped I hadn't ruined it by getting blackout drunk and doing something stupid in front of him. Robin and I sat and talked in the kitchen for a little longer while we waited for everyone else to wake up. Finally, Steve came into the kitchen.

"Well, good morning, you two." Steve grabbed the handle of the fridge and opened it only to be disappointed by not seeing anything good inside. "Have a good night last night, Cas?" Steve looked over at me as he slammed the fridge door shut.

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