Chapter Twenty-Five

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I looked around my room at all the packed bags scattered about on the floor. The walls of my room were a little more bare than normal since I was taking a few posters and some pictures with me for my dorm. This really felt like the end of a new chapter but weirdly wasn't feeling like the beginning of a new one just yet. I so desperately didn't want to leave my friends behind. What was I going to do without them? Sure, I'd make new friends at school but how long would that take? This was going to be my first time actually away from home and I wasn't sure I was totally, completely ready yet.

If there was one person I was glad to be getting away from, it was Billy. I didn't know what had happened with Billy after his fight with Eddie. Billy hadn't suddenly turned up and bothered me since that night and he wasn't at Hop's wedding, not that I had expected him to be there in the first place. Maybe he had gone back to school early. I still worried that he would show up and get his revenge for both myself punching him, and Eddie fighting him. Billy wasn't one to back down and when he said this wasn't over, I knew he meant it.

"Cassie!" My mom called from down the hallway. "Hurry up, sweetie. We don't want to be late for your move-in time window!"

The school had set up a move-in time window for the students based on which dorm and what grade they were in. Upperclassmen always moved in a day or two before the freshman so they could help us freshman move into our rooms and get us settled. I had briefly talked to my future roommate and she seemed nice. She had already moved in two weeks ago because she was playing soccer this semester and all the athletes moved in really early.

I started down the hallway with a few of my bags in hand. I hadn't realized how much work moving was. I'd never moved before and boy, it was tough work. When I got to the kitchen, Eddie was standing there. He looked like he was trying to put on a happy face but I knew deep down he was upset seeing all my bags packed and me on my way out of this town without him.

"You need some help with those?" Eddie offered, reaching for the bags that were stacked on my arm.

I extended my arm to him and he took a few, carrying them out to the car. I watched him through the window as he gently placed each bag in the trunk of my mom's car. God, I was really going to miss seeing him every day.

As we were packing the last of my things in the car, Robin, Nancy, and Steve showed up to bid me farewell. Seeing all my friends here to say goodbye to me really made this start to feel real.

"Cas," Robin whined, grabbing me and pulling me into a hug. "Shit, I'm going to miss you so much." She hugged me tighter. I was trying so hard not to cry. I knew that when I hugged Eddie for the last time, I would be a wreck.

"I'll be home for holidays, long weekends, and you can visit any time you want." I said, grabbing both her arms and looking at her.

She let out a breathy laugh. "You're forgetting one small detail, my child. I don't drive."

I laughed as well. "You have Steve and Eddie! I know you don't like sharing me with them but I'm sure they wouldn't object to a road trip to come see me."

Robin glanced at Eddie who was talking to Steve. "Oh, Eddie certainly won't object."

I moved from Robin to Nancy. Even though Nancy and I had never been as close as Robin and I were, I was still going to miss her just as much. Looking at Nancy brought back so many childhood memories all at once. From sleepovers, to dance classes, to first loves and first heartbreaks, Nancy really had been with me through it all.

"We did it!" said Nancy as she pulled me into a hug. "We made it to the day we always said would be the best day of our lives; finally getting out of here."

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