Chapter Nine

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When I got to Nancy's house, I immediately told her and Robin what happened earlier with Eddie hiding out in my shower. Both of them had their jaws on the floor.

"He was, where?!" Robin exclaimed and I pursed my lips and nodded.

"I know," I responded. "I still can't believe it myself."

"He would be playing a game of hide and seek with Dustin. Him and Steve have always had such a strange relationship with those kids. Cute, but strange." Robin noted. Robin referred to Nancy's brother Mike and Jonathan's brother Will's friend group. It was like a cute mini group of our friend group in a way.

"Mike loves Eddie and Steve." Nancy chimed in. "I'm almost positive he wishes Steve and Eddie were his siblings instead of me." Nancy was rummaging through some things on her dresser and Robin had sat down on the end of Nancy's bed.

I started sifting through my bag of what I had brought with me. I brought a couple different things to wear because I truly didn't know what I was dressing for. Eddie wouldn't even give me so much as a hint as to where he was taking me so I was running blind right now. "Guys, I really don't know what to wear. I don't know what I'm dressing for, exactly." I was starting to feel defeated.

"Wait," Nancy stopped in her tracks. "Do you still have Eddie's shirt?"

I actually did still have the shirt he had given me that night when I spilled my drink on myself at his trailer. I was planning on giving it back to him on our date tonight so it was in my bag that I brought with me to Nancy's with all my stuff in it.

"Yeah...?" I had no idea why she was asking.

"You should wear it for your date. I think Eddie would think it's cute." Nancy suggested.

"But I was going to give it back to him tonight." I said.

Nancy smirked at me. "You can give it back to him after he takes it off you." She teased.

I rolled my eyes at her and thought about it for a moment. Could I wear Eddie's shirt in a way that actually looked cute? At the party a couple weekends ago, I felt like I was wearing a paper bag. I liked the idea of wearing Eddie's shirt, but I wanted to look cute. This was an official date, after all.

"I can see you thinking." Robin observed. "Put on the t-shirt. I have an idea."

I put on Eddie's shirt and Robin started playing with it. She rolled the sleeves up, tucked in half of the shirt and pulled it so it lightly hung over my belt. She took a step back and looked at me and then looked at Nancy for approval. Nancy raised both eyebrows in a surprised but approving manner.

I stepped over in front of Nancy's full length mirror. "Wow, Robin." I looked at myself up and down. "This looks really good."

Robin shrugged. "I do what I can."

My phone buzzing on the bed caught everyone's attention. Robin and Nancy were grinning at me. They knew it was Eddie calling to say he was here to get me. We told him to park a little ways down the street so Mrs. Wheeler wouldn't see him and Robin and Nancy were going to sneak me out through Nancy's bedroom window. There was a trellis that ran up against the side of the house that Nancy used to climb down all the time in high school to sneak out and see whichever guy she was dating at the time, so this was how we were going to get me out to see Eddie. Nancy forced open the window and we all looked out at the trellis.

"It's easy to get down, don't worry." Nancy assured me. I looked down at the trellis, looked back at my eager friends, took a deep breath and stepped out into the mild summer air. I scaled the side of Nancy's house on this trellis and when my feet hit the ground, I looked up to the open window where Nancy and Robin were silently cheering me on.

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