Chapter Twenty-Four

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I stood in the small bathroom of Eddie's trailer with him, trying to fix his tie but he kept fidgeting in his suit. He never really liked to wear fancy clothes because he said they felt restricting. He would much rather be wearing his battle jacket and Hellfire t-shirt but I told him this was a wedding and he had to look nice.

"You look very handsome." I noted as I finished fixing his tie. I looked up into those goofy brown eyes of his and he smiled down at me, his wavy locks falling about his face.

"And you look absolutely gorgeous, sweetheart." Eddie replied, leaning down to kiss me. This was my last night with Eddie before I left for school and I wanted to absorb every single second of every single moment from tonight. I wanted to live as if tonight would never end.

"You kids hurry up!" Wayne called from down the hall. "We're going to be late if we don't get going right now!" I took Eddie's hand in mine and led him down the hall to the front room where Wayne was waiting for us.

The ride to the church was quick. It was just a few minutes down the road from where the trailer park was. The church looked small on the outside but the inside looked massive. I wondered how such high walls and ceilings could be masked by the seemingly small exterior of the building. The walls were lined with stained glass windows depicting what I assumed were scenes from parts of the Bible. I hadn't ever been particularly religious so I didn't know what they were exactly supposed to be displaying but it looked like saints with the big white halos floating behind their heads.

"It'll be a miracle if I don't spontaneously burst into flames." Eddie mumbled to me and I suppressed my laugh as we found a pew to sit in with Wayne. My mom told me she would meet us at the church. I turned my body, looking all around this big room wondering if I could spot her but with no luck yet.

"It's beautiful in here." I said, still looking over all the colorful windows.

Right as the pianist began in with the wedding entrance, my mom slipped into the pew next to me and grabbed my hand, squeezing it with a smile. Everyone around us began to stand and we followed suit as the bridesmaids appeared at the entrance of the church with their corresponding groomsmen. Nancy and Jonathan were supposed to be the maid of honor and best man but since their breakup, I wasn't quite sure what was going to happen.

I looked over to my left to where Nancy was walking down the aisle, arm in arm with Jonathan. She looked uncomfortable knowing that Steve was watching from the pew across from me. I guess everyone had decided to just proceed with the wedding as normal, despite Nancy and Jonathan not being together anymore. I was itching to talk to her about this, now.

Hopper's adopted daughter El walked down with Nancy's brother Mike and following them was Mike's friend Lucas and his girlfriend Max. Lucas's sister Erica and their friend Dustin appeared next. Lastly, Joyce appeared on the arm of her youngest son, Will. She looked stunning in her white gown with applique flowers and lace. The bodice was fitted snug against her torso and the sleeves of the dress rested just off her shoulders. I could feel my breath catch in my throat as she walked by us. She looked even more beautiful up close. I transferred my gaze to Hopper on the altar who looked like he was trying to hold back tears. I'd never seen Hopper emotional before but seeing him that way made him feel human; like everyone else.

The ceremony was wonderful. Eddie had grabbed onto my hand as Joyce and Hop were reciting their vows to each other, and I wondered what this day would look like for me some day. Would it be with Eddie? Would Eddie and I stand up there where Joyce and Hopper were, looking into each other's eyes in the same way they were; filled with the utmost and unconditional love I had ever seen?

After the ceremony, everyone gathered outside to take pictures. Joyce and Hopper stood together beneath a gorgeous weeping willow tree while Will, Mike, Dustin, Max, El, Erica and Lucas crowded near them for a picture. I always loved that little friend group that Nancy's brother had. It reminded me of my group of friends but in a mini version.

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