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Bianca swings the door open to Yoko sleeping on Divina's chest as the siren is watching a show on her phone. she whips her head toward the door and smiles gently at the three.

"hey guys" she whispers "sorry, she just kinda knocked out"

Divina refers to the vampire sleeping on top of her. Enid looks at them with jealousy, but tries to hide it with a smile. she wasn't jealous of Yoko having Divina or Divina having Yoko, in a way she was, but not like that. she was jealous that the two are able to openly display their love for one another, meanwhile the woman she loves has no clue.

"it's cool, we'll sit in my closet" Bianca tells her roommate

Divina nods and she goes back to watching her show as Bianca opens her walk-in closet door and lets Enid and Wednesday go in first. no surprise, Enid instantly stood next to Wednesday, as close as she could.

"Enid, i understand that Bianca's choice in clothing does not necessarily match yours, but it's fabric. it does not bite." Wednesday looks at her roommate

Enid pulls from the girl away a bit, but Wednesday assures the blonde that she isn't mad by reaching her hand over and interlocking their pinky fingers together. Enid's heart beat quickens as does Wednesday's. Bianca closes the door and stands in front of the two, looking down at their fingers, but she decides not to mention it.

"so what do we do if Xena is your stalker?" Bianca asks

"we need proof confirming what we might find today, then we have to get a confession from her, and we let the Sheriff take care of the rest." Wednesday answers

"this could be the end of this nightmare" Enid voices

"not yet. we still need to find out where Xavier and Callisto are, and then we have to tell Callisto about Daeva." Bianca reminds them of the other two missing people who are still missing

Enid squeezes Wednesday's pinky at the thought of someone having to tell her that Wednesday is dead one day. Wednesday looks at her after the squeeze with a concern look in her eyes, the goth has never been one to know much about feelings, but when it comes to Enid, suddenly she's mastered all that there is to it.

"in a weird way i hope that Callisto didn't care much for Daeva. i wouldn't know what i'd do if someone told me that my partner died and i wasn't even there to save them."

Enid voices as she looks from Wednesday back to Bianca, in the hopes that it wasn't obvious to Wednesday that she was talking about her. Wednesday's fingers slowly moved, intertwining her hand with Enid's. both of their hearts moving at the speed of light, the room hotter than the hottest of summers and their faces as red as a blood moon.

"Allani's ready for us" Bianca tells the two

she looks up from her phone to see Wednesday looking toward the door and Enid looking around Bianca's clothes. the two avoided eye contact, yet they were both red in the face and holding hands. Bianca smirks and leads them out of the closet and into the dorm room where Yoko was still sleeping on top of Divina.

Divina watched as the girls paraded out the siren's closet and smirked at the sight of Wednesday and Enid's hands. the three girls make their way out of the dorm room and back down to Allani's room, Bianca knocks as Wednesday and Enid let go of each other's hands.

Allani opens the door and moves aside, inviting them in. Bianca walks into the room first, followed by Enid and lastly Wednesday. as soon as Wednesday was fully in the room, Allani stuck her head out and looked around to see if anyone was nearby. since it was only 2:30, a lot of the kids are roaming around. she presses a blue button by her door and closes it.

"what's the button for?" Bianca asks

"sound proofing. designed it myself, it allows our conversation to be contained in this room. seeing as Wednesday's here, i'm assuming Lucio has no clue about what's going on." Allani concludes

the three girls watch as Allani walks over to her desk, monitors stacked on top of the other, cables everywhere. Allani pulls her chair out and starts typing on the keyboard, Bianca, Wednesday and Enid walked over, peering down at the girl doing her thing.

"can i know what's happening? how did Daeva die? how was she mixed up in all this?" Allani asks as she types away

"Daeva Hadeon was watching me. after the events of last semester, Nevermore's been high on the ministry's risk radar. she died to an arrow to the heart." Wednesday explains

"so what? you think that she saw your stalker?" Allani asks, not taking her eyes away from the monitor

"she said she knew who Wednesday stalker is before she died, but we didn't get a chance at a name" Bianca adds

"how is Callisto holding up?" Allani questions

"she's also missing and so is Xavier Thorpe" Enid answers

Allani stops typing and spins her chair around to look at the three girls standing in her dorm room.

"what? Callisto's missing? what do they have to do in this?"

"we think that Daeva might have told Callisto what's been happening. we have no clue why Xavier disappeared" Enid responds

Allani sighs and turns around facing toward her various monitors again "what do you need me to do?"

"we need you to pull up Xena Thorpe's transcripts" Bianca tells her

Allani continues with her finger clicking onto the little letter caps on her keyboard and all three girls watch her work. within a few seconds, Xena's picture pops up on the screen.

"Xena Adrianna Thorpe, 16, classes she's enrolled in-" Allani starts to read, but Wednesday interrupts her

"wait. what's her middle name?"


the three girls look at one another, disbelief and disappointment written all over their faces. the scarf doesn't belong to Xena, which means it could still belong to Xavier.

"Allani, are you sure that's Xena's name?" Bianca asks

"yeah, a copy of her birth certificate is here along with all her other past school transcripts and medical ones"

Allani clicks on something and then a picture of Xena's birth certificate comes up on the monitor above the one Allani was clicking around on. the three girls drew their attention back to the screens and they all start to read the text.

"her middle name is Adrianna, this means we're screwed again" Enid voices her thoughts out loud 

"are you sure that this is her real government name?" Wednesday asks Allani

"if you want me to do a deep search on Xena, i can. it'll just take a day for me to process all of the information you need" Allani answers Wednesday

Enid grabs Wednesday's hand and intertwines their fingers together, anxiety running it's course through her again.

"that's fine, Allani. whatever you need to do" Bianca tells the girl

Allani gives Bianca a small smile and a nod, the siren thanks her for her time and the three girls walk out of the dorm room. Enid keeps herself close to Wednesday, she felt safer when she had her arm wrapped around Wednesday's.

"i'll meet you guys at your dorm tomorrow when i have the files." Bianca tells them

Wednesday gives Bianca a slight nod and the siren makes her way back to her dorm as Enid and Wednesday make their way over toward their own. Enid kept her eyes on Wednesday the whole walk over to Ophelia Hall, Wednesday didn't mind the staring, she liked that Enid only has her eyes on her.

once they got to their dorm, Enid detaches herself from Wednesday's side as the goth heads over toward her evidence board. her head back into her investigation immediately. Enid walks over to her bed and watches her roommate struggle to find an answer in this mystery.

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