we're okay. we'll be okay.

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Kent ran as fast as he could, but sadly, Bianca could not be saved. by the time the siren boy got back with the local authorities, Bianca had bled out to death. Xander was arrested for Bianca and Daeva's murder, as well as the kidnapping of Callisto and Xavier. Enid and Wednesday were thankful that either one of them was fine, but devastated it took this many people to sacrifice themselves for Wednesday's safety.

Callisto and Xavier were found hours after Xander's arrest, Callisto was almost beaten to death, and Xavier was untouched. deep inside Xander's dark and twisted heart, it was clear he still cared for his younger siblings. Wednesday and Xena took the responsibility of telling Callisto that Daeva and Bianca had been killed through this. Callisto broke down in the psychic's arms.

throughout the next few days, memorials for Bianca and Daeva were held in all sorts of ways. Xena and Xavier painted murals, Ajax threw a rager, Kent and Divina gave Bianca a traditional siren goodbye. Allani made a whole website in memory of Daeva, she even coded a video game character of Daeva in a game she's making, and dedicated it all to her.

Wednesday couldn't help but feel that guilt. survivors, and just regular old guilt. Bianca and Daeva didn't have to die for her, the same way Enid didn't need to endure those scars for her. she was tired of everyone protecting her, and she can't even express her gratitude toward them. not because she doesn't want to, but because she simply cannot.

"Wednesday?" Enid crept up from her side of the room

Wednesday had been laying in bed since Xander's arrest. facing away from Enid's bed, not wanting to talk, eat, or move. she just wanted to lay there, away from the cruel world. Morticia and Gomez had visited her, but it was no use. Wednesday was in the deepest depression they'd ever seen her, and by the looks of it, she was not enjoying it. Enid would big spoon her at times, just to make sure the goth knew that she's there for her.

Divina, Kent and the rest of their friends came by at times, asking if there had been any movements from Wednesday, but Enid would always sadly shake her head no. one night, Wednesday would finally break. she held her hand to her mouth, muffling her sobs to make sure Enid doesn't hear. the werewolf, of course, still does.

"mon amour, i'm here." Enid tells her as she stands up from her bed, walking over toward the goth

Wednesday sat up on her bed, hugging her knees, sobbing into them. Enid sits down next to her, and wraps her arms around the goth. letting her cry it out, Enid rubs her back up and down, hoping it'll bring her some sort of comfort. Wednesday picks her head up from her knees and looks at Enid. she gently cups the blonde's cheek and slowly brings their lips together. Enid kisses her back, but slowly Wednesday gets rougher in the kiss.

Enid pushes the girl away gently and shakes her head "Wednesday.."

"i'm sorry. i'm so fucking sorry, Enid."

this was the first time Enid had heard Wednesday speak like a 16 year-old, the first time she's cursed, and the first time she's just said "sorry" instead of "i apologize".

Enid places a gentle kiss on Wednesday's forehead, hugging her to the crook of her neck. shushing coming out of her lips. she knows that Wednesday is struggling with all of this, this is the first time someone has actually died for her. she just imagines how she'd feel if she lost Wednesday in hopes to save another friend of theirs.

"we're okay. we'll be okay. i'm here for you, always." Enid tells her

Wednesday looks at the blonde, so much love in Enid's eyes, love for her. just her.

"i am undeserving of you, Enid."

"don't say that. you deserve all the love in the world. Bianca and Daeva died because of some idiot with daddy issues, not because of you."

"if that idiot with daddy issues wasn't after me to begin with, they would still be here. i owe my life to Daeva and Bianca, and i can't even thank them."

"they cared about you, Wednesday. we all do. we're all here for you because we love you. i love you."

"you love me?" Wednesday furrows her brows

"of course i do. i've loved you since the first day you walked in through that door." Enid points toward the only door in their dorm room "Wednesday, you've made my life so much more interesting. although i do prefer the silence and calm side of life, i'm always down to live in the loud and chaotic side of it, as long as it's with you."

Wednesday sniffles as she moves away from the girl, finally getting up from her bed. she walks over toward their window and stares out at the half moon in the sky. Enid comes up behind her and snakes her arms around the psychic's waist, Wednesday placing her hands on top of Enid's.

"it's silent. so silent. is this the side of life you prefer to live on?"

"i prefer to live life with you, my love."

Enid rests her chin on Wednesday's shoulder, placing a gentle kiss on Wednesday's cheek.

"i will not let Bianca and Daeva die in vain. Xander will seek the rest of his life pleading for death to embrace him in its cold arms. i will make sure of it." Wednesday vows

"i know you will."

silence takes over the room. the only thing that could be heard is the distant conversations from the rooms around Enid and Wednesday's dorms. suddenly, Wednesday breaks the silence.

"finding the one for you is inevitable. no matter how long it takes, you will end up finding that person. my parents have each other, your parents have each other. i have you."

Wednesday turns around, Enid's hands still around her waist, Wednesday's now wrapped around Enid's neck.

"you're my one. the only one. Enid Sinclair, you are my person."

Enid smiles gently at Wednesday. she knows the goth means what she says, she can see it in her eyes. she'd never seen Wednesday's eyes he filled with so much love, so genuine, and good intent. the usual macabre, evil, dead eyes, are not there.

"are you professing your love for me, Wednesday Addams?" Enid smirks

"i'm professing more than just love for you. you make me a better person. you make my bright days, darker, you make me feel like the world will crumble if you are not near me. all that matters to me, is your safety, your happiness." Wednesday tells her

"i know that you'll forever feel guilty for Bianca and Daeva, but you've also saved the people that they love. Xavier and Callisto are here and alive. it's up to them to live their lives for Daeva and Bianca. this shouldn't all be on your shoulders, Xander killed them, you weren't the one who pulled the trigger."

Wednesday looks down at the floor, Enid puts a finger under her chin, gently making her look up at Enid's ocean blue eyes again.

"you have no clue how much i love you, Addams. genuinely. my love for you is unmeasurable. to live without you, only that would be torture."

"querida, a day alone, only that would be death. for you i'd do anything, day and night, at your request. my free will is forever yours."

a/n: confession, im not happy with this at all :p i'm so sorry for all the deaths and if this ending just did not suffice, or live up to anyone's standards. i promise, i'll make another wenclair fic that is genuinely planned and i'll be happy with, and hopefully you guys will be too.

i'd like to know what other fics you guys would be interested in reading.

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