it's not mine.

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Enid and Bianca left to go to their classes as Wednesday and Thing conspire with a new plan to hopefully catch this person for good. Wednesday sighs as she paces back and forth with Thing sitting on top of the evidence board. the goth is stumped, is this about to be the first case she does not solve?

"if Xena is not involved in this, then why would her scarf be hanging on one of the gargoyle statues?" Wednesday thought out loud

Wednesday sighs as she looks at the evidence board again, still unsure of what her next move is. she touches everything on the board, hoping it'll conjure a vision, but nothing. she takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, shaking her head as she does so.

Thing taps on the board, an effort to draw the girl's attention to him. Wednesday looks up at the appendage sitting and somehow watching her.

"no, i'm not giving up i just- i am stuck. there, i said it. i have no clue what to do and it is slightly driving me mad, and not in the way i want it to." Wednesday blurts out

she walks over toward the window and looks out at the balcony. she knows what she needs to do, but Enid and Bianca will not stand for it. Enid's safety is the most important thing to her, she knows Enid cannot be safe until this is done. the end justifies the means.

Wednesday walks over to her bed and kneels down, grabbing a black side pack from the bed. Thing instantly knowing what it is, jumps down from the board and aggressively starts tapping on the old wooden floor.

"i have to. she may not like it, but i need to." Wednesday tells the appendage

the goth stands up and looks back at the hand "are you coming?"

Thing knowing he doesn't have a choice but to go starts crawling over toward the goth. he climbs up to her shoulder and Wednesday opens the pack, she opens it and the hand jumps into the satchel. Wednesday grabs the scarf from the evidence board and stuffs it in there with Thing, then she heads out.

she walks down the halls, hoping to avoid Enid and Bianca, and hoping to find Xena. as she spots the werewolf and siren about to cross the hall, she sticks toward the back of the wall hoping the two did not see her. when she peeked past the wall again and did not see either Bianca nor Enid, she made her way down to Pascal Hall.

she walked past the house master, Pascal Hall's house master is clueless most of the time. He does not even know who is in this house or who isn't. Pascal Hall is where Xavier's dorm is, and since he is Xena's brother, it only makes sense that they're in the same house. Wednesday walks down the halls and Ajax stops her.

"where are you going? class is that way" the gorgon says as he points in the opposite direction

"leave it, Ajax. you did not see me, and you will not tell Enid, nor Bianca." Wednesday strictly tells him

"you're not a vampire Addams, you can't tell me what to do" Ajax stands his ground, but clearly looks terrified

"move it Petropolus."

Wednesday shoves past Ajax and starts walking down the hall, Ajax follows her, curiosity engulfing him.

"why are you here Wednesday?"

"i'm looking for Xena"

"yes?" a voice says behind them

the two turn around to see Xena walking out of her door, Wednesday instantly walks over to her and pushes her back into the room, Ajax following behind her. the gorgon closes the door and Wednesday opens her satchel for thing to come out.

Xena furrows her brows at the goth and then looks past her to the boy with snakes on his head, he shrugs as he knows as much as Xena does. Wednesday reaches into her pack and pulls out the scarf.

"this is yours." Wednesday says as she shoves it toward the psychic

Xena takes the scarf in her hands, she looks down at it and shakes her head "this is not mine"

Wednesday doesn't have the patience to play cat and mouse with Xena Thorpe, Thing pushes the office chair in the room behind Xena, knocking her down into sitting on the chair.

"Wednesday what the hell?" Xena asks

Wednesday reaches into her pack and pulls out handcuffs, Xena's eyes go wide and she protests, she starts to stand, but Thing has already tied her shoelaces together while she was too busy looking at Wednesday. Xena falls to the ground and uses her hands to push herself up again, but Wednesday presses her foot on Xena's back, just enough to keep the girl down.

"i know you didn't want to come to Nevermore, so why did you come here anyways?" Wednesday asks her

"how do you know about that?" Xena asks, trying to fight Wednesday's foot off her back

"i had a vision of you and your father discussing it. i caught a glimpse of a family photo by the whiskey cart he has."

Xena grunts as she tries to push herself up, but Wednesday just slams her down again. Wednesday throws the cuffs she's holding on the ground and Thing grabs it, cuffing Xena's wrists together.

"Wednesday, what the hell is happening?" Ajax asks

"i think it's better if you leave, Ajax. i don't want you seeing what i do to liars and murderers." Wednesday tells him

"murderers? what the fuck? i didn't kill anyone, Ajax, get her off of me!" Xena yells out

"leave, Ajax."

"don't leave Ajax!"

Wednesday pulls out her taser, takes her foot off of Xena's back, and shocks the girl on the neck. as Xena shook from the electric current running through her body, Ajax walks closer toward Wednesday.

"Wednesday stop!" Ajax yells out

"get out, or you're next." the goth tells him, not looking away from Xena

Ajax hesitates to leave, but he does. he knows he's not supposed to tell Enid, but he has to. Xena could be dead by the time they get there. as soon as Wednesday knew that she's shocked Xena enough to keep her on the ground, she bent down at the girl. Xena trying to catch her breath.

"where is your brother, Xena?" Wednesday asks

"which one?" Xena questions back, inhaling sharply from the pain

"Xavier. your only brother. where are you keeping him and Callisto?"

"who? look, i haven't seen Xavier since i got here, honest!"

"lying will get you nowhere Thorpe."

Wednesday tases Xena again. this time holding it a bit longer than before. Xena pants as she tries to catch her breath, Wednesday picks the girl up from the floor and puts her back on the chair. Xena looks at the goth in front of her with nothing but fear and hatred in her eyes. Wednesday was liking this whole situation.

"tell me the truth. why are you doing this? what do you want with me?" Wednesday asks

"i don't want anything from you." Xena says sternly

"then why are you stalking me?"

"stalking you?! are you crazy?!"

Wednesday picks the scarf up from the floor and shows Xena the initials embroidered on it.

"this is yours."

Xena furrows her brows, the initials aren't hers. she doesn't even have a scarf like that, she's only seen two of those in her life.

"that's not mine it's-"

"it's mine." a voice behind them answers

a/n: i wanna make another wenclair fic. this one seems so scattered and chaotic to me, i never really had a plan for this (i don't like writing without a plan). i probably will make another one, i have no clue where i'm going with this one to be honest :p

also, how do you guys feel about Wednesday Addams x fem oc/ Enid Sinclair x fem oc fics?

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