let her go

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Enid, Kent and Bianca run over toward the old meeting house. once they were close by, they started to carefully walk over, making sure that they wouldn't make their presence known to anyone that wasn't aware they're there. Enid's hands were trembling with anger, anxiety and adrenaline. the three a's. she's angry at Xander, anxious because she's in the woods, and adrenaline is rushing through her veins as she thinks of a plan to save the girl she's been so deeply in love with for these past few months.

Kent leads them into what remains of the old meeting house after Crackstone burned it down to try and get rid of all the outcasts of his time. Enid is following behind Kent, and Bianca following her. they treaded carefully over toward the fireplace, all staring down at the charred hatch.

"what's the plan?" Bianca whispers

"you two are going to siren song Xena and Xander out, we're going to take them to Xavier's art studio and figure it out from there." Enid command in a whisper tone

Kent and Bianca nod as they take off their amulets. Enid sighs shakily as she takes her backpack off and gently places it down on the ground, she unzips it and Thing climbs up to the surface of the bag, he taps around telling Enid to reach into the bag, Thing jumps out and Enid reaches deep into her backpack, her fingers feeling cold metal. she furrows her brows as she gets a better grip onto the cylinder shaped object.

the werewolf pulls out what she's holding and a confused look on both hers and Bianca's face washes over, as Kent's eyes just go wide.

"Thing, where did you get that?" Kent whispers

he taps around and all three of them watch him intently.

"what'd he say?" Bianca questions, keeping the same whisper tone

"Xena's desk, what is it?" Enid asks

"it's a flash grenade, and by the looks of it, it's legit. tactical units use it during hostage rescues." Kent answers

Thing taps on the ground once more and Enid reaches in, this time pulling out ear plugs.

"this just completely changed the plan." Enid tells the two

"we throw the grenade in there and it'll stun out all of them. they won't be able to hear, Wednesday won't be able to hear." Kent tells her

Enid nods understanding the risk of this, as she hands them both some ear plugs. the two sirens plug their ears, and Thing jumps back into Enid's backpack.

"she'll be with us when you come back out again." Enid whispers before she closes her backpack

Enid puts her back pack on as she signals over to Kent to open the hatch and for Bianca to count down. Kent and Bianca nod as they get into positions. Kent over by the hatch, and Bianca behind Enid, Enid takes one final deep breath before nodding. Bianca mouths as she counts down from 3 to 1, and on one, Enid pulls the pin. Kent quickly opens it and then closes it down again. the grenade goes off, and even through the floor below them and the ear plugs, they still heard it.

Kent opens the hatch and they all hurriedly jumped down into the room. Wednesday chained up against a wall as Xander and Xena are on the floor, the Thorpe siblings are unconsious and Wednesday looks around in a state of confusion. Enid runs over toward the girl and put her hand under the goth's chin, looking at her face, a piece of shrapnel flew and gave Wednesday's a deep cut on her forehead.

Enid shakes her head as she could see Wednesday was losing consiousness. she slaps Wednesday to keep her alert and the psychic jolted, Enid pointed at the chains and then made a key turning in a lock motion. Wednesday understood immediately, her eyes dart over toward Xander. Enid looked over at Kent and Bianca who were looking at her, she made the lock turning motion again and pointed at Xander.

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