The rescue

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Lifting my head and allowing it to drop onto the steering wheel repeatedly until the loose hair from my ponytail blurred my vision. I'm not quite sure what this would accomplish but it felt productive.

Bonnie cleared her throat. I tilted my head to glare at her. I am not in the mood. She looked down at me with big puppy dog eyes and a pouty lip. She always does this to get people to forgive her. She hates people being mad at her.

"In my defence-"
"Bonnie if you know what is good for you then you will not finish that sentence."

We sat in silence for a few minutes. I closed my eyes just wishing this was all a bad dream. Bonnie poked my ribs, I didn't move. She poked my arm, I didn't move. She slapped my thigh, I didn't move. Eventually the jabs got harsher and harsher until I looked at her.
"I'm sorry."

I couldn't help but laugh at her fake innocence. I stuck my tongue out at her and she took that as my acceptance of her apology. I sat up and rolled my shoulders. Applying a bit of pressure to the base of my neck trying to work out some knots. I glanced over at Bonnie and I couldn't suppress my laughter. She's slouching with her arms crossed over her chest, eyebrows knitted together in frustration and concentration. Her eyes slighted squinted as she stares at the stray piece of hair that has fallen onto her face.

Like she could feel me staring at her she glanced up at me. Sticking her tongue out at me when I laughed.
"Uhh Lexi, I don't know much about cars but I do know they're not supposed to do that." She pointed at the hood of the covered in smoke.

I couldn't believe it. My hands scurried to undo my seatbelt and open the car door. I jumped out muttering away to myself "fuck, no, why, ugh." I popped the hood and found the root of the problem. In this weather, in these conditions it would only be my car to overheat!


Oh the irony, if only I had a fan right now. You'd think the weather would be enough to cool it down but with my luck it's not. I've got no way of fixing this, I have no tools, nothing. I took them all out to make room in the car.

I pulled the rod securing the bonnet down and slammed the hood closed. I stared at the custom paint job on the hood of my car running through all the possible solutions. I was thinking so much my brain hurt. The cool air wrapped around me and the smoke cleared and I looked up only to look at an empty car. At first confused but then realised Bonnie was standing next to me. I turned around and leaned against my car.

"So we're fucked" Bonnie just stared at me, you could almost see the clogs turning. I knew exactly what she was thinking of and I will not allow it.
"I can mindlink the boys" and there we have it. The sentence that I was absolutely dreading. There was no way under the sun......or moons and stars that I will let that happen.
"No, nope, not even if I was underneath the car. Not going to happen."
She looked at me and the confusion was evident.
"Why?" I started to explain.
"Maybe it's a pride thing but I point blank refuse to ask them for help and see the smug look on their faces as they "rescue" our asses once again. Not going to happen this time."

She simply nodded in agreement, "ok we're strong independent women we don't need them."
This may seem selfish but we told the boys we'd be back late tomorrow. We rang them earlier when we realised it was 7 fucking hours away. They were NOT happy with that news. There was a lot of shouting so we just quickly hung up.

The two of us just stood there, staring at the empty open road. It's a beautiful place. However not as nice as my cosy bed so I need to get my shit together and form a plan. I prefer to take control something Luke isn't quite happy about.

We weren't that far from the diner but far enough for it to be miles of open road. I knew if we went back we could get petrol, tools, food and heat. So I turned to Bonnie, I knew she was not going to like this. We're both wrecked and she's not really dressed for a few miles worth of a walk.

Luna? No sir i'm a MarineTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang