Meeting Damien

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Bonnie just finished on the phone with Domino's for the second time. She had stopped me smashing the phone off the wall after I had rang them. Apparently they couldn't understand my accent. Idiots.

On the plus side the food would be here in 30 minutes.

I put on some movie while Bonnie got the plates. A loud clatter made me run to the kitchen. There's Bonnie trying to balance 5 plates, 5 cups, 5 sets of knives and forks. Doesn't she know we're eating pizza? I'll just eat it straight out of the box. I better help her.

We've just put the plates down and I was about to get comfy before a blood curdling scream rippled through the house. Before I could ask Bonnie what was going on Aaron flew down the stairs. I'm not joking it's like he just levitated over the steps.
I was barely able to make out his words, he was out of breath and panicked. It was a mush of syllables.
"Aaron, Aaron Calm down."
"No there's no time it's killing him. When we were in the forest we were attacked by rogues. Luke got hurt but he was more focused on making sure you were safe. When we got back here we insisted on checking it out. He has a silver claw stuck in his side and it's killing him."
What's the big deal about silver?
"Pure Silver is fatal to werewolves, we can't explain why it just is."

Aaron grabbed my hand and ran up the steps. I could barely keep his pace and i'm almost certain my arm is about to fall off any second. He dragged me into Luke's room. The room I woke up in on my first day, oh the memories.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Luke's white shirt was covered in blood. He was leaning against the wall while Zach was cleaning a rag and shouting at him to sit down.
"You have to get him to sit down and get the silver claw out of his side."
"Yes you, we can't get close enough without him trying to kill us."

It's not like it's my first time dealing with blood. I once had to stitch up my own wound but for some reason I was nervous. This time was different.

I slowly approached him, trying not to make any sudden movements. I knew all eyes are on me and i'm just praying that this works. I stood right in front of him and whispered his name. His eyes shot open. He pushed off the wall and was now standing at his full height.
"Hey princess what's up." I know he's in pain, his face gives him away.
"You know you can't hide anything from me. For some reason I can see straight through your lies. Now stop being a proud Alpha and show me the wound. I can help." He made no attempt to move. So I guess we're going to do this the hard way then.

I lifted his shirt but before I could see anything his hand flew up to stop me.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you princess." His voice was husky. I could sense there was a double meaning. I just ignored him like he had done to me a few seconds ago.

I lifted his shirt further. It was a big gash. Lucky for me the silver claw wasn't buried in his abdomen. That would've made my job a lot harder. I already had a plan forming in my head but there was no way I could do this if he was standing up.
"Lie down on the bed." He looked shocked but it soon turned into a smirk.
Dirty Fucker.

He didn't object and did just what I told him. I grabbed the wet cloth from Zach. I lifted Luke's shirt up again. Exposing part of his 6 pack and a few tattoo's, I swear I'm probably drooling. I cleaned the blood from around his wound. Ok now for the final part of my plan. I swung my leg over so I was straddling him.
"Whoa Princess not that i'm not enjoying this but what's gotten into you?"
"Shut up and put your hands on my hips." He was wary so I grabbed his hands and latched them on my hips. His hands are HUGE. They engulfed my hips completely.

"Ok this is going to hurt but instead of lashing out or trying to push me off tighten your grip on my hips."
"I don't think that's a go-"
"trust me" I knew that he could crush my pelvis with his strength but I have something up my sleeve.
I lean down and kiss him. I can't believe i'm doing this. Actually it's thanks to Bonnie. She got me thinking earlier.

Luna? No sir i'm a MarineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon