A little white church

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I was ambushed. Plain and simple.

I had convinced Dave and Scott to stay the night as it was getting dark and if i'm honest I didn't want them to go. As the curtious young lady that I am I offered them Luke and I's bed. Much to Luke's dismay but he knew it was the right thing to do.
So Luke and I took the couch for the night as the Christmas excitement began to die down.

When the sun rose that's when it happened.
The door was almost broken down. The blankets ripped off Luke and I. So much for privacy and rest.
Banging of pots, playing of music, out of tune singing and a drum? That was my wake up call this morning.

Dave and Scott left at the crack of dawn to get ready for the christening. There was no goodbye. Quick, quiet and calculated. They made it out of the house without anyone realizing, leaving only a note behind. It was short and precise, left in plain sight so it
would be found. A thank you and an address is all it contains.

Bonnie appointed herself lead stylist, make up artist and hairdresser for the day. Once they woke us up in a cruel manner, Aaron and Zach whisked Luke away to buy a new suit leaving just Bonnie and I. I knew it was a sign for disaster.

That is how I ended up lying down on the floor of the shower with my legs sticking out of the sliding door and Bonnie on top of me, waxing my legs. I didn't want a fuss but apparently this is the equivalent of meeting the queen.
I stopped moving and just glared at her.
I heard Bonnie mutter drama queen under her breath before she got off me
"all done, see was it really that bad?"
I stood up and fixed my towel, still glaring at her. She ushered me into the bedroom where I was ordered to put on my matching black underwear set then my dressing gown. I feel like a toddler, incapable of dressing herself.
I reentered the bathroom to see all her make up spread across the counter, various sprays and brushes, plus a hairdryer and curling wand plugged into the wall. This is going to hurt.

She just turned the hairdryer on when I jumped to my feet and ran into the bedroom, ignoring her calls. I'm looking for something. Moving bottles of deodorant, piles of presents, bags and clothes I finally found it.
Holding the button until it went green and clicking play on my phone, music blasted through the speakers. There's absolutely no counter space left so I put it down by my feet. Facing the mirror I watched her every move and facial expression.
I can't look at myself in the mirror for long periods of time so Bonnie is a good distraction.

It has occurred to me that Bonnie enjoys all this. Mated to the Beta and high up in the ranks doesn't make it easy for her to make girl friends in the pack. Since i've been here she has introduced me to about four girls from the pack.
I quickly came to the conclusion that they were friends but they weren't close. It was almost fake. She has friends from college but she doesn't see them often.
Beauty is what she does but she's never had a little sister or a group of friends who would allow her to have full control and do what she wanted. Then I waltz into her life with no interest of learning the art or as I consider it the torture of all this.
Time after time I've told her she doesn't have to do it but her reply is always the same "it's great practice and you hate it, what's not to love?"

Like an expert she curled my hair in record time. Neatly pinning it back so she could do my make up. I warned her I want nothing extravagant. Simple and natural, a bit like myself, is what i'm going for. We heard the boys downstairs but that didn't put an end to this torture.

The less I struggle and talk the sooner it's over. Bonnie is humming away while putting on my foundation and bronzer. We compromised on a bold eye and nude lip. It's like we're signing a peace treaty. Tensions are high and neither of us willing to give in.
I got my nude lip and Bonnie got her winged eyeliner. The stress that winged eyeliner brings is like nothing i've ever experienced before. I closed my eyes and didn't breathe. I could feel Bonnie's hand trembling as the cool liquid tickled my eyelid.

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