Is this my happy ever after?

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New Years Eve approached quickly. I never really took much notice of the new year. People say it's an opportunity to start again, a clean slate and everyone makes a big deal about their resolutions for the new year. In my opinion it is just a way for people to accept that they failed this year and can make amends in the next. It's a vicious cycle but it's something that gives hope, plus it's an excuse to party.

I woke up, entangled in Luke's arms once again. I realised that this is my happy place. The place where i'm not a marine or a Luna, the place where Luke doesn't have to be tough. When we're alone, lying in bed we can be weak. He shows emotion and he actually opens up. It is something I am grateful of. Lying in bed we have no worries, pack business is left at the door. We are just a couple in love. We are happy.

I shifted slightly to look at Luke. He was exhausted last night. After my little stunt at the Alpha meeting, the other packs seemed to become fascinated by us. Some claimed I was out of control. Some said Luke was whipped, allowing his Luna to run the pack. However most agreed that I was different, I was setting an example. I did not abide by their rules which some frowned upon. I did not bend to fit into the stereotypical role of a human mate. I would not sit back and look pretty. I injected myself into pack business trying to ease the weight off Luke's shoulders. I continued to train the pack and am even taking a first aid course to assist the pack doctor. I refused to have a maid or make people bow for me. I went by Alex not Luna.

I am making my own rules. This grabbed the attention of many packs. They began visiting frequently, requesting meetings. Pack relations are better than they've ever been. Although this became bittersweet. It meant Luke had a lot more work to do. Work that required him to interact with people, go on trips and spend most of his time in his office. However, true to my reputation, I did not let him do this alone. I was at every meeting, I went to his office to ensure he took breaks. I trained the pack but we still met for breakfast, lunch and dinner regardless of what was going on, and we slept in the same bed every night.

Yesterday had been hectic, with mountains of paperwork to get through and multiple meetings we had barely seen each other. Everything was squashed into one day in anticipation of today. We had a rule, like any working job we would take holidays off. Remembering this I smiled, today Luke is all mine.

I lightly placed my hands on his chest. Slightly pushing myself off of him, somehow whilst thinking I instinctively curled into his chest, listening to the soothing rhythm of his heart beat. Smiling, I bit back a laugh as a small whine slipped passed his lips when the cold air hit his now bare chest. I took in his features. His strong jawline that could cut steel and his plump lips that spent too much of their time pursed in a thin line. His dark hair is ruffled and flattened, now framing his face. The light accentuated his features, the small dip in his nose now visible as a shadow cast on it. It was the result of a bar fight, the big bad alpha got a bit too drunk and stumbled into the wrong guy. But in his words, "you should have seen the other guy".

Once again I found myself lost in my own thoughts. My fingers mindlessly running over his chest. I hadn't even realised that now Luke was the one doing the staring. His gruff morning voice caught my attention.
"Morning princess" he leaned down and kissed my forehead.
All the butterflies came alive, I would never get used to that. The love, the affection, will always be strange to me.

Ten minutes later we were up and dressed. It may only be 7am but there is no time to sleep. As suspected I am the first one up and dressed. Seeing as it's the first day off that they've had since the meeting I decided to be an amazing Luna and friend. I started making them breakfast. I put my hair in a bun and washed my hands.....I know where they've been. With the radio blasting behind me I hummed along, frying the eggs and checking on the bacon. I rested my hand on the counter, on my tippy toes I did my best to reach the plates. Under my breath I was cursing them, not everyone is six foot tall.

Luna? No sir i'm a MarineHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin