.: Introduction :.

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I'll make some new ascii art for this later! Welcome to my new journal. Different name, different me! The name I choose to go by now is the one I wanted to go by when I was younger, before all of this, so I'm kinda getting back to my roots here.

My name is Twilight. In an alternate life (not sure how it's alternate, I don't think it was a past life bc of reasons) I was a wolf shifter and an animal-shaped fairy. I was a wolf soul in a fairy body that ended up looking like a human (more on that later) and as a kid/tween I began to learn how to shift.

My life as a mythical (which I call my RL or Real Life) wasn't that different from my current one, save for some small events and my lack of abilities in my CL (current life). My CL experiences are an attempt to try and restore my power and life as closely to my RL as I can! And maybe figure out why I'm not there anymore, but at this point i don't really care. I'm just trying to live!

in my RL, I was one of several different breeds of shifters, and I lived in  a small town surrounded by wilderness, in a house with other mythicals. I spent a lot of time shifted, and when I was, I spent time with a pack of other shifters. most of them were wolves, but a few of them were normal animals. I wasn't very unusual in the wolf shifter area, but I don't think many of them knew much about fairies other than the common mythology that was about the same as in CL!

The fairy identity came first, I think. My fairy form sort of resembles a rabbit, but unlike actual rabbits, I had sharp teeth, forward-facing eyes and paw pads. I had pink fur.

My wolf form was the misplaced part of my identity, having been a soul from  a normal wolf, i think? But in the body of a fairy who was stuck in human form. I don't know why exactly, but i had the patterns of a black wolf, with a purple tint instead of dark grey.

At the end of the day, I have two different kinds of mythicality to sort through! I'm still trying to figure out how everything worked and went together, but I'm going at it with a clearer head. so hopefully I'll be able to figure things out!

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