.: 11/3/23 - Concentration :.

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I've been working on literally everything except what I thought i would be working on... I've been making something extremely important to my true form, something that's been taking a really long time and giving me the means to really process how i feel... And i turned around one of those moments where a hyperfixation tries to pull me off my path!

I don't really think i'm  a wolf shifter anymore... at least not completely. I'm something else, first and foremost, i think with a bit of wolf influence. I think I know what I am, but I'm not going to say it until I'm sure nobody is going to try and turn it around on me.

something really spooky also happened the other day... a random lady on the bus handed me a tarot card sticker... of the three of swords??? it was inverted when she gave it to me, but that's still SUCH a weird thing to give to  a stranger on the bus without saying a word what the hell >_< i've never mentioned this before, but i have a mate... getting that card was really spooky, because his friend confessed to him the day before i got it. we talked about it though, and no breakups in sight! but still WTF IS MY LIFE RIGHT NOW!!!

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