38: Izzy - Unforgivable?

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The first night Em was back at school, Izzy waited until the lights were out in the dorm room to tell her about her summer with Dom and their little fling.

Was that what it was? A fling?

She didn't even know what she'd call it. They'd kissed.

It was nothing. But that was a lie, and Izzy knew it, one of those little white lies that people tell themselves when they're too afraid to admit the truth. She'd been so nervous that she was starting to act weird around Em.

Izzy knew as clear the day is light, Em would not see their kiss as "nothing." She could be forgiving of Dom's indiscretions with other girls who he'd met at clubs and would never see again. Those mishaps he'd told her about, and they'd laughed about them together. She could even forgive him sleeping with other girls. But this was different. Dom hadn't told her, and Izzy was her best friend. This was not "nothing," and she couldn't expect Em to be okay with it. That was asking too much of their friendship.

It took all her resolve to do the right thing by Em and tell her the truth. Izzy just hoped she'd understand.


'Are you fucking kidding me right now?' Em sat bolt upright in her bed and stared across at Izzy in the darkened room. There was a long pause as Izzy contemplated what to say next. Then, finally, her eyes met Ems's, and she blinked and looked down at her hands. The silence engulfed them. Tal and Zara were both in bed within hearing distance from the other side of the dormitory. Neither of them said a word.

Izzy stumbled for the right words. 'I'm so sorry, Em. I don't know what to say.'

Em was livid, Izzy could tell. She didn't take her eyes off her. 'And you waited 'til now to tell me this?' she said. 'I have to sleep here, next to you tonight, you stupid bitch! Do you think I want to be here? Do you think I want to sleep next to such a slut?'

Zara intervened. 'Hey...easy... Em. Calm down. Just let her talk. She's saying she's sorry.'

Em flew out of her bed, swiveling on her heels to face Zara. 'You knew about this,' she said, her voice clipped. 'How could you not tell me? You are such a traitor?'

Izzy got up from her bed and tried to put a hand on Em's shoulder. Em violently pushed her away.

'It's not her fault,' Izzy said, desperate to defend Zara. 'It was my responsibility to tell you, not hers.'

'No, Isabella. That's where you're wrong;' Em faced Izzy, her rage palpable. 'It was her responsibility to tell me as soon as she saw me at Polo on Saturday. Not to let me walk around like an idiot with everyone knowing my so-called best friend and my boyfriend are getting it on behind my back and laughing at me.'

'No one's laughing at you, Em,' Izzy said. 'I'm trying to tell you I'm sorry for what I did... to take responsibility.'

Zara stepped away from the scene, allowing the two girls space to settle things.

'You're all about "responsibility," suddenly?' said Em. 'What happened to your "responsibility" to not kiss the guy I'm in love with?' She paused to take a breath, glancing at Zara in retreat. 'If that is in fact, what happened. You probably slept with him, you fucking ho!'

Izzy was taken aback by her friend's aggression. She hadn't known what to expect. Em was not given to using such language.

Em strode through the darkened dormitory towards the door to the study room. She stopped abruptly in the doorway and flicked the light switch. There was a merciless flickering, and the room blazed into bright white light.

'Well, did you?' Em said, glaring at Izzy.

Izzy crunched her eyes. The light took some adjusting. 'I've told you what happened,' she said, in as calm a voice as she could muster. 'And I'm so, so sorry that it did, but I didn't sleep with him, Em. I swear to you.'

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