55: Dom - The question

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Dom was trying to concentrate, his mind full of numbers, but the boys in the room next door were making a ruckus. He had been doing his best to focus on his HSC. The exam schedule they'd received was brutal and Dom knew, there was no option but to put his head down and study. He stood up abruptly, squeaking his chair on the tiled floor and went into the kitchen to make a coffee. To his annoyance, Cole followed him.

Dom didn't want to talk to anyone, least of all Cole, so he turned his back and walked out the kitchen. Since the incident in Em's art class, he had started to think that Cole had ulterior motives and wasn't acting in his best interest. Right now, he didn't have the air space to deal with it though.

Before Dom had reached the door, Cole asked: 'Have you got a minute? I need to ask you something...'

Dom stopped in his tracks. 'Go on,' he said reluctantly, turning back and putting the kettle on. Just then, Tommo came in.

'Sac! You're making coffee?' Tommo grinned. 'Mine's milk with two.'

'Whose offering?' Dom responded.

'C'mon mate, might as well, eh?'

With an audible sigh, Dom pulled another mug from the cupboard and, with his back turned to Cole, asked: 'So, what is it?'

'I was hoping to talk alone,' Cole responded.

'Don't mind me,' Tommo grinned. 'I'll know what it is soon enough anyway.'

Dom laughed. It was true, Tommo had a way of knowing everything.

'Sit then and shut up!' Cole said to Tommo, as he sat down by the kitchen table. Tommo obeyed, his eyes glistening in anticipation.

'So...' Cole said, 'I was thinking of asking Izzy to the formal.'

Dom flinched. He didn't respond and an awkward silence ensued.

'I get she's not into me,' Cole rushed his words, 'but I still have feelings for her, and I want to take her as a friend. She's still raw right now and I want to make sure she's ok.'

'What are you telling him for?' Tommo asked, tilting his head at Dom. 'It's none of his business who you take to the formal.'

Dom and Cole exchanged looks. They both knew there was something to discuss here but now wasn't the time.

Dom poured hot water into the mugs he'd prepared and handed one to Tommo.

'Come with me, mate?' he asked Cole, walking towards the door and guiding him out the kitchen towards the dormitory.

'Are you shutting me out?' Tommo said with a huff.

'Not everything's public business, y'know mate,' Dom responded.

When they were alone, Dom sat on the bed and turned to Cole. 'There's something up with you mate? You've been acting up at me. Talk to me?'

'I don't know, Sac,' Cole responded. 'I like Izzy. You know that and I feel for her.'

'Okay...that it?' Dom said sceptically.

'Yeah.' Cole responded firmly. He paused and then, as if it were an afterthought he spewed out: 'I'm not sure why you and Em had to shut her out like you did. It was awkward for all of us and now you guys have broken up, I'm wondering what that's all about. Are you into Izzy? Be straight with me?'

'It's not really your business, is it?' Dom said pointedly.

'We're all affected, mate. It's uncomfortable. All this fighting.' Cole said. 'We used to get on well. I miss it. I think I've got a right to say something....'

Dom stood up and walked to the window. 'I hurt Em and I needed to make it right,' he said, turning to face Cole. 'It didn't work. We've broken up now. End of. It has nothing to do with you or anyone else.'

'I think you're being a bit of a dick, to be honest,' Cole said.

Dom nodded slowly 'You don't pull your punches, do you mate?'

'Just think about it, ok? The formal...I mean. Izzy. I want to take her?' Cole said. 'I didn't have to ask you, y'know? I just want us all to get along. School's nearly out...'

Dom had listened to what Cole had to say. It wasn't all pleasant, but it did explain why Cole had been acting up lately towards him.

'I'll think about it,' he said. 'I'll get back to you, yeah?'

Cole nodded. He stepped past Dom, patting him on the shoulder as he left the room. 'Thanks man.'

Dom stared out the window. He thought about Izzy and his heart ached for her. He wanted to make things right.

So much for studying.

He needed to speak with Izzy, and he need to speak with her, now.

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